Se presentan consideraciones generales sobre los aspectos a considerar en la evaluacion de la simbiosis leguminosa forrajera- rizobio en el campo. Dichos aspectos son epoca de siembra, eleccion del sitio, diseno exptl. preparacion del suelo, fertilizacion, identificacion de las parcelas, tratamie...
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Evaluacion de la simbiosis leguminosa forrajera-rizobio en el campo (Etapas 1 y 2)]
Evaluacion de la simbiosis leguminosa forrajera-rizobio en el campo (Etapas 1 y 2)
Bradley, R.S.
[Manejo de las leguminosas forrajeras para los estudios de fijación de nitrógeno por Rhizobium]
Manejo de las leguminosas forrajeras para los estudios de fijación de nitrógeno por Rhizobium
Information is given of the major activities and results of the Regional Bean Program for the Andean Zone in 1990-91. Aspects studied involved participative research, small-scale seed production, integrated control of anthracnose, Ascochyta, and root rots, intercropping systems, strategies for pe...
Se presenta informacion sobre las principales actividades y resultados del Programa Regional de Frijol para la Zona Andina en 1990-91. Se trabajo en: investigacion participativa; produccion artesanal de semillas; control integrado de antracnosis, Ascochyta y pudriciones radicales; sistemas asocia...
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Proyecto Regional de Frijol del CIAT para la Zona Andina (PROFRIZA). Informe de actividades y resultados en 1990-91]
Proyecto Regional de Frijol del CIAT para la Zona Andina (PROFRIZA). Informe de actividades y resultados en 1990-91
This paper reviews the experimental basis for the lectin-recognition hypothesis and considers ways in which the host/Rhizobium interaction might be manipulated to enhance the benefits of symbiotic nitrogen fixation in the tropics.
Dazzo, F.B.
[The mechanisms of recognition between legume roots and rhizobia: Some implications for biological nitrogen fixation in the tropics]
The mechanisms of recognition between legume roots and rhizobia: Some implications for biological nitrogen fixation in the tropics
A glasshouse experiment compared the performance of strains of Rhizobium with Leucaena leucocephala in a "cerrado" soil limed to pH 5.5. Liming increased dry matter production, but variation within replicates was so great that increases in nodule dry weight and N2 fixed were not statistically sig...
Almeida, J.E.
Valarini, Maria José
Lopes, Eli Sidney
[Response of Leucaena leucocephala to inoculation in a soil of pH 5.5]
Response of Leucaena leucocephala to inoculation in a soil of pH 5.5
The selection criteria for N fixation at CIAT includes plant vigor, nodule no., mass at mid-flowering, acetylene reduction activity, total N, and grain yield of materials grown in sand culture and in field trials with mild N stress. The breeding program has yielded materials with improved N2-fixa...
El criterio de seleccion por fijacion de N utilizado en CIAT incluye vigor de la planta, no. de nodulos, masa a mediados de la floracion, actividad de reduccion de acetileno, N total y rendimiento de grano de los materiales cultivados en arena y en los ensayos de campo con ligero estres de N. El ...
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Mejoramiento genético. Mejoramiento de caracteres. Mayor fijación de N]
Mejoramiento genético. Mejoramiento de caracteres. Mayor fijación de N
The different stages of a technique developed by CIAT to increase the N fixation of beans are indicated. In stage 1L, the effectivity of native rhizobial strains is assessed; bean nodulation and N fixation are recorded. In stage 1R , rhizobial strains are isolated, purified, authenticated in the ...
Herselman, L.
Chotte, Jean-Luc
Thuita, Moses N.
Lesueur, Didier
[Effects of cropping systems, maize residues application and N fertilization on promiscuous soybean yields and diversity of native rhizobia in Central Kenya]
Effects of cropping systems, maize residues application and N fertilization on promiscuous soybean yields and diversity of native rhizobia in Central Kenya
Six Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. phaseoli strains (Ciat 151, Ciat 895, Ciat 899, CE3, H2C, Kim5s) were tested for nodule occupancy in different bean cultivars at two field sites (one fertile, one acid tropical soil) and in the greenhouse. The effects of several environmental factors such as low pH...
Wolff, AB
Streit, W
Kipe-Nolt, Judith A.
Vargas, H.
Werner, D
[Competitiveness of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. phaseoli strains in relation to environmental stress and plant defense mechanisms]
Competitiveness of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. phaseoli strains in relation to environmental stress and plant defense mechanisms