The book contains descriptions of 30 cultivated and wild plant species of tropical Africa traditionally used for dyeing or tanning. The descriptions are accompanied by line drawings and give information on family, Latin and vernacular names, anatomy, origin and geographic distribution, ecology, p...
Souvent les efforts visant à améliorer les chaînes de valeur oublient la moitié de la population, celle des femmes. Comment changer cela ? En nous appuyant sur des douzaines de cas du monde entier, et en prenant comme exemples une grande diversité de produits agricoles et d’élevage, ce livre expl...
Royal Tropical Institute
International Institute of Rural Reconstruction
[Faire changer les chaînes : Equité entre les genres dans le développement des chaînes de valeur]
Faire changer les chaînes : Equité entre les genres dans le développement des chaînes de valeur
Often efforts to improve value chains miss out half of the population – the female half. How can this be changed? Drawing on dozens of cases, and covering a wide range of crops and livestock products, this book explains how development organisations and private entrepreneurs have found ways to im...
Royal Tropical Institute
International Institute of Rural Reconstruction
[Challenging chains to change: Gender equity in agricultural value chain development]
Challenging chains to change: Gender equity in agricultural value chain development
This publication is the product of a participatory capitalization process facilitated by the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) for the Program for Rural Enterprise Management, Health, and the Environment (PROGRESA). This report compiles the different aspects of PROGRESA’s actio...
Gonzáles, Kelia Alejandra
Olivera, Julio
Ruíz Hidalgo, Valleska Jamisseth
Montoya Valladarez, Selania Marina
Espinoza, Cairo
[Certificación de Fincas en Buenas Prácticas Agrícolas (BPA) e Implementación de Buenas Prácticas Pecuarias (BPP)]
[Certifying Farms in Good Agricultural Practices and Implementing Good Animal Husbandry Practices]
Certifying Farms in Good Agricultural Practices and Implementing Good Animal Husbandry Practices
This publication is the product of a participatory capitalization process facilitated by the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) for the Program for Rural Enterprise Management, Health, and the Environment (PROGRESA.) One of PROGRESA’s main goals was increasing crop and livestock...
Maradiaga Corea, Marco Antonio
López Fonseca, Ernesto Antonio
Palma Zepeda, Osman
Arévalo Castillo, Alfonso Alejandro
[Agua para la producción. La experiencia de construcción de tres tipos de obras de captación de agua para su uso en la producción: cosecha de agua, pozos excavados a mano y pilas de captación de agua desde manantiales.]
[Water for Agricuture. Construction of three types of infrastructure to collect water for agricultural production: water harvesting, hand-dug wells, and sinks to collect]
Water for Agricuture. Construction of three types of infrastructure to collect water for agricultural production: water harvesting, hand-dug wells, and sinks to collect
Esta publicación es el resultado de un proceso de sistematización participativo facilitado por el Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) para el Programa de Gestión Rural Empresarial, Sanidad y Ambiente (PROGRESA). Este documento tiene como propósito compartir la experiencia de const...
Maradiaga Corea, Marco Antonio
López Fonseca, Ernesto Antonio
Palma Zepeda, Osman
Arévalo Castillo, Alfonso Alejandro
[Water for Agricuture. Construction of three types of infrastructure to collect water for agricultural production: water harvesting, hand-dug wells, and sinks to collect]
[Agua para la producción. La experiencia de construcción de tres tipos de obras de captación de agua para su uso en la producción: cosecha de agua, pozos excavados a mano y pilas de captación de agua desde manantiales.]
Agua para la producción. La experiencia de construcción de tres tipos de obras de captación de agua para su uso en la producción: cosecha de agua, pozos excavados a mano y pilas de captación de agua desde manantiales.
These guidelines describe technical procedures that minimize the risk of pest introductions with movement of germplasm for research, crop improvement, plant breeding, exploration or conservation. The recommendations in these guidelines are intended for germplasm research, conservation and basic p...
This publication is the result of a participatory experience capitalization, facilitated by the International Center for Tropical Agriculture for the project “Alliance to Create Opportunities for Rural Development through Agro-enterprise Relationships” (ACORDAR).This experience campitalization do...
Pineda, Eva Francisca
Lanuza, Felicia
Arista, Iris Massiel
Morán, Elizabeth
Rodríguez Alfaro, Scarleth
Torres, Erika María
Paguaga, Gloria Amparo
Andino, Francis
Rodríguez Zavala, Scarleth
[Género. Promoción del enfoque de género desde el proyecto ACORDAR]
[Gender. Promotion of the gender approach in the ACORDAR project]
Gender. Promotion of the gender approach in the ACORDAR project
International Water Management Institute
[Changing to biofuel crops makes productive use of contaminated water]
Changing to biofuel crops makes productive use of contaminated water
En matiere d'ameliotation genetique du nie-be, il est rare de trouver un plant ou une variete posse-dant taus les caracteres desires. La tecombinaison des catacteres desires, II partir de sources parentales dis-tinctes, s'obtient en croisant les plants et en effectuant les pollinisations croisees...