Different assays on climbing beans in relay cropping or associated with maize, N fixation and Rhizobium inoculation, and bush beans in monoculture are reported. These were conducted in La Selva, Antioquia (Colombia), through a collaborative project between the Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario (I...
Roman, A
Davis, J.
García, S.
Graham, P.
Temple, S
[Informe de trabajos 1979: Convenio ICA-CIAT: Programa de frijol]
Informe de trabajos 1979: Convenio ICA-CIAT: Programa de frijol
Cassava-specific microregions in part of eastern Paraguay, a climatically homogeneous area, were defined on the basis of secondary data and systematic random sampling of agricultural settlements. It was found that production is concentrated in the departments of Caaguazu, Itapua, San Pedro, Parag...
Carter, Simon E.
[Cassava micro-regions in part of eastern Paraguay : An explanation of their form and comparative study of cassava production within some of them]
Cassava micro-regions in part of eastern Paraguay : An explanation of their form and comparative study of cassava production within some of them
The trials conducted by CIATs Bean Economics Program in southern Huila (Colombia) have indicated that in this region monoculture bean yields can be increased 1-1.5 t/ha through improved agronomic practices. This paper is an ex ante analysis of the effect of this new technology on farmers` income,...
Roman V, A
Davis, J.
[Informe de trabajos 1980: Convenio ICA-CIAT, La Selva, Antioquia: Progama de frijol]
Informe de trabajos 1980: Convenio ICA-CIAT, La Selva, Antioquia: Progama de frijol
A methodology is presented on how to study bean production processes and its on-farm application in Colombia. The main objectives are to identify the factors limiting production and productivity, availability and use of resources, credit, technical assistance, markets, pest and weed distribution ...
Ruiz de Londoño, Norha
Infante, MA
Pinstrup-Andersen, Per
Sanders, J.H.
[Estudio agroeconomico del proceso de produccion de frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris) en Colombia]
Estudio agroeconomico del proceso de produccion de frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris) en Colombia
Morales, Francisco José
Sierra, JA
Ruano, R
Osorio, M.
Landaverri, E
Ordóñez, JL
Viana Ruano, A
[The socioeconomic and environmental impact of non-traditional cropping systems on small farming communities in the department of Baja Verapaz, Guatemala]
The socioeconomic and environmental impact of non-traditional cropping systems on small farming communities in the department of Baja Verapaz, Guatemala
Lunze, Lubanga
Abang, Mathew M.
Buruchara, Robin A.
Ugen, Michael Adrogu
Nabahungu, Nsharwasi Léon
Rachier, Gideon O.
Ngongo, Mulangwa
Rao, Idupulapati M.
[Integrated Soil Fertility Management in Bean-Based Cropping Systems of Eastern, Central and Southern Africa]
Integrated Soil Fertility Management in Bean-Based Cropping Systems of Eastern, Central and Southern Africa
Rane, Jagadish
Ishitani, Manabu
Rao, Idupulapati M.
[Response of Crop Plants to Nitrogen Stress Opportunities to Increase Nitrogen Use Efficiency]
Response of Crop Plants to Nitrogen Stress Opportunities to Increase Nitrogen Use Efficiency