Multiple-use forest management is considered by many as a preferable alternative to singleuse (generally timber-dominant) management models. In the Congo Basin, integration of timber and non-timber forest resources plays a key role in the subsistence and market economies of rural communities, enh...
Nasi, Robert
[Beyond timber: making multiple use forest management a reality in Central Africa forests]
Beyond timber: making multiple use forest management a reality in Central Africa forests
Overview of CIFOR’s research and achievements for 2001 including complete financial statements, listings of donors and partners, key projects, staff and publications. The Report also provides the global, regional and national perspectives of CIFOR’s work. Feature stories focus on a range of fores...
Center for International Forestry Research
[The role of REDD in stabilising greenhouse gas concentrations: Lessons from economic models]
The role of REDD in stabilising greenhouse gas concentrations: Lessons from economic models
Center for International Forestry Research
[Measuring and monitoring forest degradation for REDD: Implications of country circumstances]
Measuring and monitoring forest degradation for REDD: Implications of country circumstances
Over the past several decades, significant donor funding has been directed to sustainable forest management in the tropics, in the hope of combining forest conservation with economic gains through sustainable use. To date, this approach has produced only modest results in terms of changed silvicu...
Wunder, Sven
[Are direct payments for environmental services spelling doom for sustainable forest management in the tropics?]
Are direct payments for environmental services spelling doom for sustainable forest management in the tropics?
Center for International Forestry Research
[Rapport annuel 2004 de CIFOR: Forêts pour les populations et l’environnement]
Rapport annuel 2004 de CIFOR: Forêts pour les populations et l’environnement
Center for International Forestry Research
[Financing REDD: Linking country needs and financing sources]
Financing REDD: Linking country needs and financing sources
Based on an extensive review of the literature, and broad consultation with experts, we have assessed the sensitivity of Bornean vertebrates to the direct and indirect effects of timber harvest. Well-implemented selective logging has a relatively limited direct impact on wildlife populations: few...
Meijaard, E.
Sheil, Douglas
Nasi, Robert
Stanley, S.E.
[Wildlife conservation in Bornean timber concessions]
Wildlife conservation in Bornean timber concessions
Sabogal, C.
Lentini, M.
Pokorny, B.
Silva, J.N.M.
Zweede, J.
Verissimo, A.
Boscolo, M.
[Manejo florestal empresarial na Amazonia Brasileira]
Manejo florestal empresarial na Amazonia Brasileira
Gautier, D.
Santen, J. van
[Women at the edge of forest management in Northern Cameroon]
Women at the edge of forest management in Northern Cameroon