Although women in Ecuador have relatively strong property rights, these are not always honored, resulting in
their experiencing patrimonial violence. This is one of the reasons that, according to our national household assets
survey, the value of women’s assets on average is less than that of men...
Deere, Carmen Diana
Contreras, J.
Twyman, Jennifer
[Género, estado civil y la acumulación de activos en el Ecuador: una mirada a la violencia patrimonial]
Género, estado civil y la acumulación de activos en el Ecuador: una mirada a la violencia patrimonial
Farmers in the West Lampung Pesisir area in the south of Sumatra, Indonesia, have established forest gardens by introducing damar trees in upland rice swidden plantations. These damar gardens were established as the wild resource itself was vanishing. While cultivating this forest resorce, villag...
Foresta, H. de
Michon, G.
Kusworo, A.
Levang, P.
[Damar agroforests in Sumatra, Indonesia: domestication of a forest ecosystem through domestication of dipterocarps for resin production]
Damar agroforests in Sumatra, Indonesia: domestication of a forest ecosystem through domestication of dipterocarps for resin production
The desire for research to be policy relevant has caused many social science studies to have “engineering” dimensions. With respect to the engineering of property rights, economic approaches indicate that we require knowledge regarding the makeup of current property rights structures, how changes...
Luckert, M.A.
[Can we be engineers of property rights to natural resources? some evidence of difficulties from the rural areas of Zimbabwe]
Can we be engineers of property rights to natural resources? some evidence of difficulties from the rural areas of Zimbabwe
This volume contains proceedings of a historic workshop held in December 2005 that has brought clarity to the concept of community forestry in Liberia. The workshop addressed a wide range of issues pertaining to community forestry, based on presentations from a range of experts, local community r...
The river basin management approach in the Syr Darya basin fragmented after the disintegration of the Soviet Union. However, this approach had already created dependencies between riparian states, such as transboundary water control infrastructure. At the national level, these states hardly coope...
Wegerich, Kai
Kazbekov, Jusipbek S.
Kabilov, F.
Mukhamedova, N.
[Meso-level cooperation on transboundary tributaries and infrastructure in the Ferghana Valley.]
Meso-level cooperation on transboundary tributaries and infrastructure in the Ferghana Valley.
The Culture and Conservation Research Program in Kayan Mentarang National Park, East Kalimantan, constitutes a unique interdisciplinary engagement in central Borneo that lasted for six years (1991-97). Based on original ethnographic, ecological, and historical data, this volume comprehensively de...
Eghenter, C.
Sellato, B.
Devung, G.S.
[Social science research and conservation management in the interior Borneo: unravelling past and present interactions of people and forests]
Social science research and conservation management in the interior Borneo: unravelling past and present interactions of people and forests
The decentralization of control over the vast forests of the world is moving at a rapid pace with both positive and negative ramifications for people and forests themselves. Fresh research from a host of Asia-Pacific countries presents rich and varied experience with decentralization and provides...
Colfer, C.J.P.
Dahal, G.R.
Capistrano, D.
[Lessons from forest decentralization: money, justice and the quest for good governance in Asia-Pacific.]
Lessons from forest decentralization: money, justice and the quest for good governance in Asia-Pacific.
According to the Indonesian constitution of 1945, customary rights are only recognized if not in contradiction with the superior interests of the Nation. The contradiction is most blatant in matters of forest management. Under the Dutch colonial rule as well as under the auspices of the young ind...
Levang, P.
Buyse, N.
[Droits fonciers coutumiers et autonomie regionale a Kalimantan a Kalimantan-Est (Indonesie): entre enjeux de pouvoir et contrôle de l’accès aux ressources.]
Droits fonciers coutumiers et autonomie regionale a Kalimantan a Kalimantan-Est (Indonesie): entre enjeux de pouvoir et contrôle de l’accès aux ressources.
This article reviews the policies for the tenure and management of non-state forests that have undergone fundamental changes in China since the early 1950s. Private ownership and household management that were dominant in 1950-55 gave way to collectivization in 1956. Collective management remaine...
Liu Dachang
[Tenure and management of non-state forests in China since 1950: a historical review]
Tenure and management of non-state forests in China since 1950: a historical review