La mosca minadora Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard) (Diptera: Agromyzidae) es una plaga de importancia economica mundial. Su naturaleza polifaga combinada con una alta tasa de reproduccion y el rapido desarrollo de resistencia a los insecticidas ha contribuido a su exito como una especie invasor...
Mujica, N.
[Aproximaciones ecologicas para el manejo de la mosca minadora Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard) en agroecosistemas de produccion de papa en el Peru.]
Aproximaciones ecologicas para el manejo de la mosca minadora Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard) en agroecosistemas de produccion de papa en el Peru.
El origen de la papa esta referido a La region Andina donde existe la mayor diversidad de especies nativas y silvestres de papa y donde tambien existen sus principales plagas nativas como el gorgojo de las Andes. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar la susceptibilidad de tuberculos de esp...
Alcázar, Jesus
Salas, A.
Navarrete, V.
Kroschel, J.
Roca, W.
Ellis, D.
Vega, A.
Poma, E.
Quispe, V.
[Evaluacion de la susceptibilidad de genotipos de especies silvestres de papa (Solanum spp.) al gorgojo de Los Andes Premnotrypes suturicallus Kuschel.]
Evaluacion de la susceptibilidad de genotipos de especies silvestres de papa (Solanum spp.) al gorgojo de Los Andes Premnotrypes suturicallus Kuschel.
International Potato Center
Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria, Peru
[¿Qué es la marchitez bacteriana de la papa?]
¿Qué es la marchitez bacteriana de la papa?
IPGRI maintains a number of databases with summary information on ex situ germplasm collections worldwide. The data include address information on organizations holding germplasm and summary information on the type of germplasm that is maintained, such as: species names, number of accessions per ...
Lawrence, T.
Toll, Jane
Sloten, D.H. van
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
[2. Root and Tuber Crops: Aroids, Cassava, Potato, Sweet Potato, Yams and Others]
2. Root and Tuber Crops: Aroids, Cassava, Potato, Sweet Potato, Yams and Others
Yactayo, W.
Ramírez, D.
Gutiérrez, R.
Mares, V.
Posadas, A.
Quiróz, R.
[Effect of partial root-zone drying irrigation timing on potato tuber yield and water use efficiency.]
Effect of partial root-zone drying irrigation timing on potato tuber yield and water use efficiency.
The potato ontology is being developed as part of the crop ontology (CO) effort amongst CGIAR centers. The CO serves primarily to harmonize phenotypic and genotypic data for semantic compatibility across diverse, distributed data types; and ontology in general, facilitates the use of terms by bot...
Smith, J.
Coyne, D.L.
Schulte-Geldermann, Elmar
[Challenges for the improvement of seed systems for vegetatively propagated crops in Eastern Africa.]
Challenges for the improvement of seed systems for vegetatively propagated crops in Eastern Africa.
Souza Richards, R.
Adams, I.P.
Kreuze, J.F.
Souza, J. de
Cuéllar, Wilmer J.
Dullemans, A.M.
Vlugt, René A.A. van de
Glover, R.
Hany, U.
Dickinson, M.
Boonham, N.
[The complete genome sequences of two isolates of potato black ringspot virus and their relationship to other isolates and nepoviruses.]
The complete genome sequences of two isolates of potato black ringspot virus and their relationship to other isolates and nepoviruses.
Spooner, D.M.
Jansky, S.
Clausen, A.
Herrera, M.R.
Ghislain, M.
[The enigma of Solanum maglia in the origin of the Chilean cultivated potato, Solanum tuberosum Chilotanum Group.]
The enigma of Solanum maglia in the origin of the Chilean cultivated potato, Solanum tuberosum Chilotanum Group.