Grandes extensiones de tierra en los países de Latino América (comúnmente llamadas Sabanas, Llanos o Cerrados), que tradicionalmente son usados para la producción ganadera, poseen un gran potencial agrícola. Sorgo y millo perla representan una alta contribución dentro de los programas de diversif...
Reddy, Belum V.S.
Rangel, Andrés Felipe
Iglesias F., Carlos Ariel
Bernal Riobo, Jaime Humberto
[Evaluation of sorghum and pearl millet for acid-soil tolerance in the Oriental Llanos of Colombia]
Evaluation of sorghum and pearl millet for acid-soil tolerance in the Oriental Llanos of Colombia
During the past three years (1993-1996), cassava agronomy research, conducted by national programs in collaboration with CIAT and with financial support from the Nippon Foundation in Japan, continued as before but at a slightly lower level of activity. Major emphasis remained on soil fertility ma...
Nine advanced bean lines (MCM 5001, CAL 96, RWR 136, AFR 531, AFR 509, UGP 6088, PVA 698, SUG 50 white haricot) were tested on-farm for two seasons of 1992 in Bushenyi, Iganga, Kabale, Luwero, Mbarara, Mpigi, Mubende and Nebbi districts of Uganda. The objective was to evaluate the performance and...
Ugen, Michael Adrogu
Wortmann, Charles S.
[Farmer participation in cultivar evaluation: The case of beans]
Farmer participation in cultivar evaluation: The case of beans
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Grass and legume genotypes with high forage quality attributes are developed: Output 1]
Grass and legume genotypes with high forage quality attributes are developed: Output 1
Edje, O.T.
Maimu, J.M.
Mbuya, O.S.
Ndakidemi, P.
Mushi, C.S.
Allen, David J.
[Progress in on-farm research with beans in Lushoto district, Tanga Region, Tanzania]
Progress in on-farm research with beans in Lushoto district, Tanga Region, Tanzania
En Ecuador, el fréjol arbustivo (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), se siembra principalmente en los valles semicálidos (mesotérmicos) de la sierra ecuatoriana, entre 1000 a 2500 msnm y en menor grado en el litoral (cuenca baja del Guayas), pero con gran potencial para el cultivo. Las provincias mas product...
Murillo, A.
Peralta Idrobo, Miguel Eduardo
Pinzón Z., José
Lépiz Ildefonso, Rogelio
[Logros, problemas y perspectivas para el mejoramiento del frijol arbustivo en el Ecuador]
Logros, problemas y perspectivas para el mejoramiento del frijol arbustivo en el Ecuador
Damage caused to snap bean by rust, angular leaf spot, Ascochyta, and web blight, is briefly described. Results of the evaluations carried out by CIAT with the germplasm bank are also described along with the strategies for improvement developed in the search for cv. resistant to these diseases. ...
Se describen brevemente los danos causados a la habichuela por roya, mancha foliar angular, Ascochyta y mustia hilachosa. Se describen tambien los resultados de las evaluaciones realizadas por CIAT con el banco de germoplasma y las estrategias de mejoramiento desarrollados en busca de cv. resiste...
Kornegay, Julia L.
[Estrategias para el mejoramiento de la produccion de habichuelas en CIAT para la roya, mancha angular, ascochyta y mustia]
Estrategias para el mejoramiento de la produccion de habichuelas en CIAT para la roya, mancha angular, ascochyta y mustia
The objectives, criteria, and evaluation methods of the research projects carried out in Ecuador as part of the vegetable program are described. Projects include the evaluation of improved var.; selection of segregating lines; adaptation nurseries for advanced lines; yield tests of promising line...
Se describen los objetivos, criterios y metodos de evaluacion de los proyectos de investigacion realizados dentro del programa de hortalizas de Ecuador. Los proyectos incluyen la evaluacion de var. importadas, obtencion de var. mejoradas, seleccion de lineas segregantes, viveros de adaptacion de ...
Participatory varietal selection work in the form of coordinated farmers' field trials involving farmers, extension agents, and researchers has been a regular component of the wheat-improvement program of Nepal since the 1970s. In this system, varietal testing is carried out in farmers' fields, b...
Bhatta, M.R.
Ortiz Ferrara, G.
Gurung, B.
Pokhrel, Thaneswar
Gautam, N.R.
Gurung, P.
Neupane, R.B.
[Present status of participatory plant-breeding research on wheat at the National Wheat Research Program of Nepal]
Present status of participatory plant-breeding research on wheat at the National Wheat Research Program of Nepal