The method of selection used by CIATs climbing bean program is between the pedigree method (lineage) and the bulk population method. This method reduces the variation of each hybrid population in F, by individual selection. The evaluation of the germplasm bank was conducted in Popayan (1850 m abo...
Des études antérieures ont prédis que le maïs deviendra une culture commerciale et assurera la sécurité alimentaire mieux que toute autre culture. Dans le Nord du Bénin par exemple, il vient en deuxième position après le coton en tant que culture de subsistance et de rente. Selon le Ministère de ...
Baco, M.N.
Abdoulaye, Tahirou
Sanogo, D.
Langyintuo, A.
[Caractérisation des ménages producteurs de maïs en zone de savane sèche au Bénin]
Caractérisation des ménages producteurs de maïs en zone de savane sèche au Bénin
The genetic changes occuring in av. productivity, adaptation, and response to environments with different levels of yield for black-colored grain material selected by CIAT during 1976-79 are examined. Data from 124 expt. of the International Bean Yield and Adaptation Nursery (IBYAN) of black bean...
Voysest Voysest, Oswaldo
[Comportamiento en ambientes de diversos niveles de productividad de genotipos de frijol negro desarrollados en Colombia]
Comportamiento en ambientes de diversos niveles de productividad de genotipos de frijol negro desarrollados en Colombia
The purpose of the Bean Web Blight International Nursery (VIM) is to evaluate the degree of resistance or tolerance to Thanatephorus cucumeris of bean var. or advanced lines, and select genes to be incorporated to commercial var. in the different countries where the disease is a constraint to pro...
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Vivero Internacional de Mustia Hilachosa del Frijol (VIM): Resultados 1973-1985]
Vivero Internacional de Mustia Hilachosa del Frijol (VIM): Resultados 1973-1985
In hot, humid areas some 40 percent of stored grain in lost; however, control of RH generally requires expensive equipment. The objectives of this expt were to evaluate the behavior of bean seeds of different size, color and moisture content at different levels of RH and to correlate adsorption a...
Álvarez S, E.
[Estudio del equilibrio higroscopico de Phaseolus vulgaris L. en relacion a diferentes niveles de humedad]
Estudio del equilibrio higroscopico de Phaseolus vulgaris L. en relacion a diferentes niveles de humedad
Aspects on the distribution, etiology, symptomatology, genetic, cultural, and chemical control of the halo blight of beans, caused by Pseudomonas phaseolicola, are given. The results obtained in previous assessment and in trials on plant survival under field and greenhouse conditions of 6 bacteri...
Figueroa, G
[Control genetico de la resistencia del anublo de halo (Pseudomonas phaseolicola) en frijol y la busqueda por resistencia en variedades de Guatemala y otros paises]
Control genetico de la resistencia del anublo de halo (Pseudomonas phaseolicola) en frijol y la busqueda por resistencia en variedades de Guatemala y otros paises
The main administrative activities (changes, meetings, agreements, visits of CIAT staff, evaluating committee of PROFRIZA, and publications) of the Regional Bean Program for the Andean Zone (PROFRIZA) during the 1st semester of 1990 are reported. The most important technical activities regarding ...
Gálvez E., Guillermo E.
[Informe semestral del Programa de Frijol para la Zona Andina: Enero-Junio 1990]
Informe semestral del Programa de Frijol para la Zona Andina: Enero-Junio 1990
The improvement strategy of climbing bean in Cusco should take into account the importance of maize as a crop. In a recent study in 2 maize-growing communities of Valle Sagrado, 75 and 88 percent of the farmers considered beans as the main crop; however, only 57 and 22 percent of the maize-growin...
Ortiz Arriola, V.
Maitre, A
[Estrategias de mejoramiento de frijol para un sistema asociado con maiz, en el Valle Sagrado, Cusco-Peru]
Estrategias de mejoramiento de frijol para un sistema asociado con maiz, en el Valle Sagrado, Cusco-Peru
The International Bean Rust Nursery (IBRN) is in charge of testing promising Phaseolus vulgaris cv. and lines for their resistacne to rust (Uromyces phaseoli). In 1975-76 132 bean lines were tested, among which there were 28 potential rust-race differentials. In 1977-78, 26 trials were planted wi...
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[International bean rust nursery: results 1977-1978]
International bean rust nursery: results 1977-1978
The formation of centers of genetic diversity of Phaseolus spp. in different parts of the world is discussed. Botanical, archeological and ethnobotanical arguments are given to support the statement that the primary center of origin was in the Americas, with 2 subcenters or centers of diversity (...
Debouck, Daniel G.
[Diversidad del frijol en Mexico y actividades de recoleccion de germoplasma]
Diversidad del frijol en Mexico y actividades de recoleccion de germoplasma