Worldwide, more people are drinking more milk and consuming more dairy products. Yet milk production is still too low in ACP countries, and hampered by cheap imports. It's a bucketful of paradoxes and problems, hopes and heartbreaks.Have you ever...
Il y a, dans les déserts, quelque chose qui nous rend plusdébrouillards. Pour survivre dans un désert, il faut être très créatif. C’est vrai aussi si vous devez protéger vos terres arides ou semi-arides de la désertification due à la...
La pénurie de gestionnaires formés à l’élevage, voilà un des problèmes majeurs de l’agriculture urbaine, si l’on en croit les conclusions de dix études entreprises récemment dans ce domaine avec l’appui du Centre canadien de recherche...
While snails pose a threat to many vegetables, Gideon Osuji from Nigeria sees mainly advantages in them. 'Innovative farmers of West Africa are eager to make snail farming a commercial venture and a staple source of protein. Snails can be of high...
The seven-year Uruguay Round of negotiations on the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was concluded in April 1994 and for the first time the agreement included agricultural commodities. The aims of the agreement concerning agriculture...
It might look like a defensive structure against marauding enemies, but in fact it s just a way to improve yields in your fish-pond. Just place rows of bamboo sticks in the pond about half a metre apart. The sticks serve as a breeding ground for...
From earliest times, merchants have used donkeys to transport their goods; kola nuts from the coast of West Africa perhaps, or rock salt from the north of Africa to the south. And even today, donkeys continue to play an important role in rural...
C’est sans doute le moment de revenir au caoutchouc naturel. Bien que les prix aient chuté de 50% depuis 1996 pour atteindre 0, 70 $US/kg en 2001, une étude publiée début 2002 par l’Université d’Amsterdam prévoit une hausse de la demande et...
Handbook on small-scale freshwater fish farming
FAO Training Series 24 1994 205pp
ISSN 0259 2533
Publications Division, FAO,
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome, ITALY