Fuertemente determinada por la pendiente de su emplazamiento, esta estructura enteramente construida en madera aparece como una superficie continua y tersa que minimiza la expresión de articulaciones y encuentros.
Entirely built of hard wood and heavily determined by the site slope, this structure appears as a continuous, smooth surface in which all joints have been soften and minimized
Lobos, Pablo
Pavlovic, Branko
[Casa en Tunquén, Casablanca, Chile Pablo Lobos + Branko Pavlovic, 2012]
Casa en Tunquén, Casablanca, Chile Pablo Lobos + Branko Pavlovic, 2012
Una vivienda en una zona de manzanas –de fachada continua y baja altura– es remodelada para acoger un nuevo uso. La iluminación, tanto natural como artificial, es manejada a través de la techumbre, lo que genera entradas de luz directa por la cubierta y en el encuentro del edificio con los muros ...
A dwelling, in a zone of low rise continuous facade blocks, is remodeled for new use. The lighting, both natural and artificial, is controlled by means of the roof, allowing direct light to enter through the covering and in the joining of the building with the dividing walls.
Fifty years of continuous development of land squatting seem to indicate the need for new instruments to face the housing deficit. Segregation and urban sprawl are evidences of the importance of land management policies for low-income housing.
Castillo, María José
Forray, Rossana
[La vivienda, un problema de acceso al suelo]
[Housing, A Problem of Access to Land]
Housing, A Problem of Access to Land
Sphagnum peatlands are threatened at a global scale, not only by peat extraction, but also by Sphagnum harvesting. In Chile, dry Sphagnum moss is mainly exported for use as substrate for horticulture and orchids. Although the use of Sphagnum within Chile is limited, there are no data about its pr...
Las turberas de Sphagnum están amenazadas a escala global, no solo por la extracción de turba, sino también por la cosecha de Sphagnum. En Chile, el musgo seco es importado principalemente para su uso como sustrato para la horticultura y cultivo de orquídeas. Aunque el uso del musgo en Chile es l...
[Crecimiento y productividad de Sphagnum magellanicum en turberas antropogénicas de Chile]
[Sphagnum magellanicum growth and productivity in Chilean anthropogenic peatlands]
Sphagnum magellanicum growth and productivity in Chilean anthropogenic peatlands
Many angiosperms are exclusively dependent on pollinators for its reproduction (Matallana et al.2010; Arroyo et al. 2006). However, pollinators sometimes could be erratic and variable in relation to the ecological context (e.g., plant community composition), especially in alpine zones where it is...
Murúa, Maureen
Cisterna, Jannina
Rosende, Benito
[Pollination ecology and breeding system of two Calceolaria species in Chile]
Pollination ecology and breeding system of two Calceolaria species in Chile