The low digestibility of grain legumes, particularly beans, is highlighted and its regulating factors (tannins, seed coat fiber, protease inhibitors, protein structure of the protein to digest, interactions between proteins and other cotyledon nutrients, etc.) are explained with the aid of a line...
Developing countries continue to face the challenge of increasing poverty and depleting asset base of their predominantly rural populations. In sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) alone, over 70% of the population now live below the poverty line, and in South Asia the number of poor people exceeds 500 milli...
Kebreab, E.
Smith, T.
Tanner, J.C.
Osuji, P.O.
[Review of undernutrition in smallholder ruminant production systems in the tropics]
Review of undernutrition in smallholder ruminant production systems in the tropics
Describes methods used to determine the voluntary intake, grazing behaviour & productivity of livestock in sedentary or semi-transhumant grazing systems of the Malian Sahel, defining relations between intake & some environmental factors, & relating some of the results obtained to other ecological...
Dicko, M.S.
Lambourne, L.J.
Leeuw, P.N. de
Haan, C. de
[Ingestion volontaire et productivite du betail dans diverses zones ecologiques de l'Afrique]
Ingestion volontaire et productivite du betail dans diverses zones ecologiques de l'Afrique
A series of problems associated with the nutritional quality and acceptability characteristics of Phaseolus vulgaris are discussed. These include water absorption restrictions (hard-shell or hard-seed phenomenon); starch digestibility; flatulence; protein digestibility; overall protein quality; h...
Lareo, LR
[Nutritional quality and acceptability characteristics of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) : A selection of unsolved problems]
Nutritional quality and acceptability characteristics of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) : A selection of unsolved problems
Ramírez, H.
Sobrinho, JM
[Informe previo sobre la caracterización de la especie Desmodium ovalifolium, utilizando patrones electroforéticos de proteínas]
Informe previo sobre la caracterización de la especie Desmodium ovalifolium, utilizando patrones electroforéticos de proteínas
World Bank
[ Republic of Moldova Food Security Assessment , Moldova - Evaluarea securităţii
alimentare : analiza situaţiei curente şi următorii pași Analysis of the Current Situation and Next Steps ]