L’agriculture dans la région des Grands Lacs a longtemps pâti de l’insécurité, de la dégradation de l’environnement et du manque d’investissement. La plupart des Congolais, Burundais et Rwandais sont démunis de tout et l’insécurité alimentaire y règne en maitre. Il était primordial de mettre en p...
Samper Gnecco, Armando
[Cinco pasos iniciales en el establecimiento del CIAT 1966-1973]
Cinco pasos iniciales en el establecimiento del CIAT 1966-1973
Thirsty and hungry cities are posing significant challenges for the urban-rural interface ranging from food security to inter-sectoral water allocation. Not only is the supply of resources to urban centres a growing challenge in low-income countries, but even more is the urban return flow, as inv...
Drechsel, Pay
Keraita, Bernard N.
[Agriculture in the rural-urban continuum: a CGIAR research perspective]
Agriculture in the rural-urban continuum: a CGIAR research perspective
Amézquita, María Cristina
[Biometry: Its role of national agricultural research institutions in Latin America]
Biometry: Its role of national agricultural research institutions in Latin America
The article discusses the collaboration of ILRI's programme on animal genetic resources with ICARDA. It highlights the potential areas of research methods as: i. Potential areas of collaboration with ICARDA; ii. Methodologies; iii. Outputs; iRelated activities.
Rege, J.E.O.
[ILRI's programme on animal genetic resources and potential areas of collaboration with ICARDA]
ILRI's programme on animal genetic resources and potential areas of collaboration with ICARDA
This article analyses the collaboration between forestry research institutions and forestry departments in China based on a bibliometric study of four leading Chinese forestry journals. Multiple-authored papers are frequent, and there is a significant collaboration between research and implementi...
Ruiz Perez, M.
Fu Maoyi
Xie Jinzhong
Yang Xiaosheng
Belcher, B.
[The relationship between forest research and forest management in China: an analysis of four leading forestry journals]
The relationship between forest research and forest management in China: an analysis of four leading forestry journals
Sweden contributes large amounts annually to the Consultative Group of International Agriculture Research Organizations (CGIAR), an important body for international Agriculture research. some SEK 80 milion was provided in 1998 alone. But surprisingly few swedish scientists work in International A...
Persson, R.
Rudebjer, P.G.
[There is no place like home - why are there so few Swedish scientists in the international research institutes on agriculture and agroforestry?]
There is no place like home - why are there so few Swedish scientists in the international research institutes on agriculture and agroforestry?
Forest research has to change in response to the increased interest of society in the management of forestland. The president and the vice president of IUFRO, the Assistant Director-General for Forestry in the FAO and the Past Director-General of CIFOR discuss key issues. IUFRO should become a cl...
Burley, J.
Seppala, R.
El-Lakany, H.
Sayer, Jeffrey A.
Krott, M.
[Voicing interests and concerns: challenges for forest research]
Voicing interests and concerns: challenges for forest research