In many countries including south Asia, Climate Change remains a high talk low implementation phenomenon, with highly media savvy workshops and beautiful documents marred by poor implementation on the grounds. On the contrary, Bangladesh,
In spite of its reputation for being poverty and disaste...
Wang SW
[State of Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Efforts in Agriculture for Bangladesh]
State of Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Efforts in Agriculture for Bangladesh
Samad, Madar
Aheeyar, Mohamed M.M.
Royo-Olid, J.
Arulingam, Indika
[The political and institutional context of the water sector in Sri Lanka: an overview]
The political and institutional context of the water sector in Sri Lanka: an overview
Resource recovery and reuse (RRR) of domestic and agro-industrial waste has the potential to contribute to a number of financial, socioeconomic and environmental benefits. However, despite these benefits and an increasing political will, there remain significant barriers to build the required up-...
Lazurko, Anita
Drechsel, Pay
Hanjra, M.A.
[Financing resource recovery and reuse in developing and emerging economies: enabling environment, financing sources and cost recovery]
Financing resource recovery and reuse in developing and emerging economies: enabling environment, financing sources and cost recovery
Closas, Alvar
Molle, Francois
[Groundwater governance in Asia and the Pacific. [Project report of the Groundwater Governance in the Arab World - Taking Stock and Addressing the Challenges].]
Groundwater governance in Asia and the Pacific. [Project report of the Groundwater Governance in the Arab World - Taking Stock and Addressing the Challenges].
Closas, Alvar
Molle, Francois
[Groundwater governance in Europe. [Project report of the Groundwater Governance in the Arab World - Taking Stock and Addressing the Challenges].]
Groundwater governance in Europe. [Project report of the Groundwater Governance in the Arab World - Taking Stock and Addressing the Challenges].
Closas, Alvar
Molle, Francois
[Groundwater governance in Sub-Saharan Africa. [Project report of the Groundwater Governance in the Arab World - Taking Stock and Addressing the Challenges].]
Groundwater governance in Sub-Saharan Africa. [Project report of the Groundwater Governance in the Arab World - Taking Stock and Addressing the Challenges].
Arrazola, I.
Alvaro, N.P.
Renckens, J.
Ballesteros, H.
Hollenstein, P.
[The role of private actors in the Quito metropolitan district food system: with a focus on larger processing and retail]
The role of private actors in the Quito metropolitan district food system: with a focus on larger processing and retail
The report analyzes the changing tripartite constellations between South African black smallholders, the pre- and post-apartheid state, and the country’s large-scale agribusiness and irrigation industry. A recent mode of farming is the ‘joint venture’, in which smallholders hand over land and sha...
Koppen, Barbara C.M. van
Tapela, B.N.
Mapedza, Everisto
[Joint ventures in the Flag Boshielo Irrigation Scheme, South Africa: a history of smallholders, states and business]
Joint ventures in the Flag Boshielo Irrigation Scheme, South Africa: a history of smallholders, states and business
Otoo, Miriam
Rao, Krishna
Taron, Avinandan
[Synthesis report on feasibility assessment for the implementation of RRR [resource recovery and reuse] business models proposed for Kampala. Report output of a part of Resource Recovery and Reuse project: from research to implementation]
Synthesis report on feasibility assessment for the implementation of RRR [resource recovery and reuse] business models proposed for Kampala. Report output of a part of Resource Recovery and Reuse project: from research to implementation