In this book, CIFOR analyses trends, opportunities, problems and challenges of forestry decentralization in Nicaragua, identifying its consequences particularly for poor forest-dependent groups, and proposing a research and action agenda for the democratic governance of forest resources in consul...
Larson, A.M.
[Los grupos marginados, la descentralizacion y el sector forestal en Nicaragua]
Los grupos marginados, la descentralizacion y el sector forestal en Nicaragua
Murdiyarso, Daniel
Skutsch, M.
[Community forest management as a carbon mitigation option: case studies]
Community forest management as a carbon mitigation option: case studies
Cerutti, P.O.
Schmitt, A.
Moukouri, S.
[Le parcours des données forestières en République du Congo: l'exemple de la taxe d'abattage. Brazzaville]
Le parcours des données forestières en République du Congo: l'exemple de la taxe d'abattage. Brazzaville
Lescuyer, G.
Cerutti, P.O.
Manguiengha, S.N.
Bilogo bi Ndong, L.
[Le marché domestique du sciage artisanal à Libreville, Gabon: État des lieux, opportunités et défis]
Le marché domestique du sciage artisanal à Libreville, Gabon: État des lieux, opportunités et défis
Long and consultative planning processes have been undertaken to develop priorities for strategic forestry research in Africa. The results have contributed to the development of CIFOR's medium-term plan, so that there seems to be a good match between Africa's needs and CIFOR's intentions. The pol...
Since the collapse of Soeharto’s New Order regime in May 1998, Indonesia’s national, provincial, and district governments have engaged in an intense struggle over how authority and the power embedded in it, should be shared. How this ongoing struggle over authority in the forestry sector will ult...
Barr, C.
Resosudarmo, I.A.P.
Dermawan, A.
McCarthy, J.F.
Moeliono, M.
Setiono, B.
[Decentralization of forest administration in Indonesia: implications for forest sustainability, economic development and community livelihoods]
Decentralization of forest administration in Indonesia: implications for forest sustainability, economic development and community livelihoods
Nambiar, E.K.S.
Ranger, J.
Tiarks, A.
Toma, T.
[Site management and productivity in tropical plantation forests: proceedings of workshops in Congo, July 2001 and China, February 2003]
Site management and productivity in tropical plantation forests: proceedings of workshops in Congo, July 2001 and China, February 2003
This book is a compilation of the abstracts of in-house and external publications produced in the year 2001 by CIFOR scientists and their collaborators. The abstracts are grouped into seven themes: general, biodiversity, forest governance and community forestry, forest management, non-timber fore...
This book is a compilation of the abstracts of in-house and external publications produced in the year 2002 by CIFOR scientists and their collaborators. The abstracts are grouped into seven themes: general, biodiversity, forest governance and community forestry, forest management, non-timber fore...