Diverses es peces d'ignames sont cultlvees da ns la "zone de civilisation de l'igname" en Afriq ue oeci dentale. Que ce soit au champ ou en entrepot, l'igname est exposee a des maladies provoquees par des virus, bacteries, champignons et nematodes. II est possible de lutter contre ces maladies gr...
Hahn, S.K.
[Lutte contre les maladies de ligname: Guide de recherche de lIita, No. 39]
Lutte contre les maladies de ligname: Guide de recherche de lIita, No. 39
Two glasshouse experiments were conducted to assess the influence of three inoculation methods on Scutellonema bradys multiplication on yam (Dioscorea spp.) and on growth and production of the crop. Three separate cultivars of yam were used in the study: two Dioscorea rotundata cultivars (Ala and...
Baimey, H.
Coyne, D.L.
Labuschagne, N.
[Assessment of inoculation methods in evaluating response of yam cultivars to infection by Scutellonema bradys]
Assessment of inoculation methods in evaluating response of yam cultivars to infection by Scutellonema bradys
The second edition of the handbook, again reviews the epidemiology of helminth parasites of ruminants, and presents procedures and techniques for their diagnosis, survey and control. It has been enlarged to encompass a broader range of helminth species in a wider geographical area. The book is de...
Hansen, James
Perry, Brian D.
[The epidemiology, diagnosis and control of helminth parasites of ruminants. A handbook]
The epidemiology, diagnosis and control of helminth parasites of ruminants. A handbook
Weber, G.
Chindo, P.S.
Elemo, K.A.
Oikeh, S.
[Nematodes as production constraints cerealbased cropping systems of the Northern Guinea Savanna]
Nematodes as production constraints cerealbased cropping systems of the Northern Guinea Savanna
Weber, G.
Elemo, K.
Lagoke, S.T.O.
[Weeds in intensive cerealbased cropping systems of the Northern Guinea Savanna: RCMP Research monograph, No. 20]
Weeds in intensive cerealbased cropping systems of the Northern Guinea Savanna: RCMP Research monograph, No. 20
Ce guide de formation presente les problems majeurs, qui font obstacle a l'intensification de l'igname en Afrique. Les plus graves connus, aussi bien au champ que Durant la conservation des tubercules, sont occasionnes par les nematodes (galles, boursouflures), les champignons (syndrome du Betris...
Zohouri, P.
[Les maladies des plantes a racines et tubercules (igname et manioc); biologie, identification et lutte: Guide de recherche et de formation IDESSA, Prt 13]
Les maladies des plantes a racines et tubercules (igname et manioc); biologie, identification et lutte: Guide de recherche et de formation IDESSA, Prt 13
A study of the effect of plant population, fertiliser application, number of suckers retained per stool and desuckering time on the 5th and 6th banana ratoons was conducted on Kibuzi (AAA-EA) plantation from October 2000 to December 2002. The plantation had earlier (October 1999 to October 2000) ...
Kagoda, F.
Rubaihayo, P.R.
Tenywa, M.M.
[The potential of cultural and chemical control practices for enhancing productivity of banana ratoons]
The potential of cultural and chemical control practices for enhancing productivity of banana ratoons
Rice is the third most important crop in Kenya after maize and wheat. Plant parasitic nematodes (PPN) are a major rice production constraint. The objective of this study was to determine the distribution and abundance of rice PPN in Kenya and their association with environmental variables. Soil a...
Namu, J.
Karuri, H.
Alakonya, A.E.
Nyaga, J
Njeri, E.
[Distribution of parasitic nematodes in Kenyan rice fields and their relation to edaphic factors, rainfall and temperature]
Distribution of parasitic nematodes in Kenyan rice fields and their relation to edaphic factors, rainfall and temperature
Valladolid, A.
Gálvez E., Guillermo E.
[Improvement of large white seeded dry bean cultivars for resistance to nematodes in the Peruvian Coast]
Improvement of large white seeded dry bean cultivars for resistance to nematodes in the Peruvian Coast
Mulching with plant organic matter has been shown to reduce nematode population densities in various cropping systems. The level of nematode control is increased when such mulches are incorporated into the soil as organic amendments. Chromolaena odorata, Tithonia diversifolia and Pueraria phaseol...
Schosser, B.
Hauser, S.
Sikora, R.
[Suitability of Pueraria phaseoloides, Chromoleana odorata and Tithonia diversifolia for nematode management in Musa cropping systems]
Suitability of Pueraria phaseoloides, Chromoleana odorata and Tithonia diversifolia for nematode management in Musa cropping systems