Este trabajo presenta el inventario del estado del arte de los productos de información climática en Colombia. Se espera que este documento se convierta en una guía, para conocer la oferta de información climática disponible en internet, que es relevante en la toma de decisiones agrícolas, identi...
Pérez Marulanda, Lisset
Blundo Canto, Genowefa M.
Giraldo Mendez, Diana Carolina
Gartner Vargas, C.
[Estado del arte de los productos de información climática en Colombia]
Estado del arte de los productos de información climática en Colombia
The process of dairy development that this study addresses is driven by underlying
fundamental changes in economic growth, the value of resources and consumer
demand. However, it is also shaped by public policies, interventions and investment
decisions and will be accompanied by changes in impact...
Staal, Steven J.
Nin Pratt, A.
Jabbar, M.A.
[Dairy development for the resource poor. Part 3: Pakistan and India dairy development case studies]
Dairy development for the resource poor. Part 3: Pakistan and India dairy development case studies
The process of dairy development that this study addresses is driven by underlying
fundamental changes in economic growth, the value of resources and consumer
demand. However, it is also shaped by public policies, interventions and investment
decisions and will be accompanied by changes in impact...
Staal, Steven J.
Nin Pratt, A.
Jabbar, M.A.
[Dairy development for the resource poor. Part 2: Kenya and Ethiopia. Dairy development case studies]
Dairy development for the resource poor. Part 2: Kenya and Ethiopia. Dairy development case studies
This occasional paper presents a report from a project on “Developing community-based climate smart agriculture through participatory action research in CCAFS benchmark sites in West
Africa” which is a joint initiative of CCAFS-West Africa programme and ICRAF-WCA. Other key players of the project...
Bayala, Jules
Zougmoré, Robert B.
Ky-Dembele, Catherine
Bationo, B. André
Buah, S.S.J.
Sanogo, Diaminatou
Somda, Jacques
Tougiani A
Traoré, Kadari
Kalinganire, Antoine
[Towards developing scalable climate-smart village models: approach and lessons learnt from pilot research in West Africa]
Towards developing scalable climate-smart village models: approach and lessons learnt from pilot research in West Africa
El Plan de Acción Estrategico para Fortalecer la Conservacion y el Uso de los Recursos Fitogeneticos Mesoamericanos para la Adaptacion de la Agricultura al Cambio Climatico (PAEM) es un mapa de ruta a diez anos para fortalecer la conservacion, el acceso y el uso de los recursos fitogeneticos de M...
Galluzzi, Gea
Bioversity International
Zonneveld, M. van
Thomas, E.
Etten, Jacob van
Libreros, D.
Vay, L.
Solano, W.
Williams, D.
Maselli, S.
Alonso, Silvia
Remple, N.
Ramírez, M.
Pinzon, S.
Alcázar, C.
Quirós, W.
Beltran, M.
[Plan de acción estratégico para fortalecer la conservación y el uso de los recursos fitogenéticos mesoamericanos para la adaptación de la agricultura al cambio climático – PAEM 2014-2024]
Plan de acción estratégico para fortalecer la conservación y el uso de los recursos fitogenéticos mesoamericanos para la adaptación de la agricultura al cambio climático – PAEM 2014-2024
Dube, T.
Homann-Kee Tui, Sabine
Rooyen, Andre F. van
Rodríguez, D.
[Baseline and situation analysis report: Integrating crop and livestock production for improved food security and livelihoods in rural Zimbabwe]
Baseline and situation analysis report: Integrating crop and livestock production for improved food security and livelihoods in rural Zimbabwe
Farmers in Malawi remove woodlands to plant crops but they also derive a vast range of other basic needs from the surrounding forests. These miombo woodlands have until relatively recently always been vast in comparison to the human population and their needs. Over the years the woodlands and the...
The goal of the workshop was to build a more strategic and integrated perspective on the threats and opportunities latent in the food / climate issue, and to discuss the hard challenges of moving forward toward common goals in a private, off-the-record setting. An executive session convened by th...
Clark, W.C.
Kristjanson, Patricia M.
Campbell, Bruce M.
Juma, C.
Holbrook, N.M.
Nelson, Gerald C.
Dickson, N.
[Enhancing food security in an era of global climate change]
Enhancing food security in an era of global climate change
This discussion paper was produced as a background documentfor the 2016 FAO State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA) report. It was produced through desk research and analysis of existing agricultural and climate finance literature. Moreover, qualitative interviews with key experts representing diffe...
Sadler, Marc Peter
Millan Arredondo, Alberto
Swann, Stacy A.
Vasileiou, Ioannis
Baedeker, Tobias
Parizat, Roy
Germer, Leah Arabella
Mikulcak, Friederike
[Making climate finance work in agriculture]
Making climate finance work in agriculture
Đánh giá tính dễ bị tổn thương thực hiện trong khuôn khổ dự án "Tạo cơ sở bằng chứng cho nhân rộng thích ứng tại địa phương qua Nông nghiệp Thông minh với Khí hậu" do Nhóm các Tổ chức Nghiên cứu Nông nghiệp Quốc tế CGIAR tài trợ thông qua Chương trình Nghiên cứu về Nông nghiệp, An ninh Lương thực...
Simelton, Elisabeth
Hai, Le Van
Tuan, Duong Minh
Le Dinh Hoa
[Climate-induced vulnerabilities: Participatory assessment for My Loi village, Ky Son commune, Ky Anh district, Ha Tinh province]
[Tính dễ bị tổn thương do khí hậu Đánh giá có sự tham gia tại thôn Mỹ Lợi, xã Kỳ Sơn, huyện Kỳ Anh, tỉnh Hà Tĩnh]
Tính dễ bị tổn thương do khí hậu Đánh giá có sự tham gia tại thôn Mỹ Lợi, xã Kỳ Sơn, huyện Kỳ Anh, tỉnh Hà Tĩnh