Close collaboration between CIAT and Brazil continued during 1986. Germplasm development was conducted through evaluating the jointly developed crosses in Brazil, rather than selecting the fixed lines in CIAT prior to shipment to Brazil. By the end of 1986, those segregating populations were in t...
La colaboracion estrecha entre CIAT y Brasil continuo durante 1986. Se realizo desarrollo de germoplasma a traves de la evaluacion de los cruzamientos desarrollados conjuntamente en Brasil, en lugar de seleccionar las lineas fijas en CIAT antes de su envio al Brasil. Hacia finales de 1986, estas ...
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Genetic improvement and related activities. Regional activities. Brazil]
Genetic improvement and related activities. Regional activities. Brazil
On-farm research activities in 1986 continued in the areas of training, network establishment, methodology adaptation, technology development on-farm, and technology adaptation to specific areas. One early result is a better understanding of the variability in the adaptation of the newly adopted ...
Las actividades de investigacion en fincas en 1986 continuaron en las areas de capacitacion, establecimiento de redes, adaptacion de metodologias, desarrollo de tecnologias a nivel de finca y adaptacion de tecnologias a areas especificas. Un primer resultado constituye un mejor entendimiento de l...
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Evaluation and improvement of agronomic practices. On-farm research]
Evaluation and improvement of agronomic practices. On-farm research
The Great Lakes Regional Bean Program works with the agricultural research institutions of Burundi, Rwanda, and Zaire. Advanced breeding lines were introduced as potential new var. for the region and/or as sources of resistance to angular leaf spot, anthracnose, Ascochyta leaf spot, halo and BCMV...
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Genetic improvement and related activities. Regional activities. Africa. Great Lakes region]
Genetic improvement and related activities. Regional activities. Africa. Great Lakes region
The Southern Africa Development Coordination Conference (SADCC) region covers Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, and Swaziland, and is the largest of the 3 regions hosting a CIAT bean program in Africa. Bean production from the SADCC region amounts to about...
La region de Southern Africa Development Coordination Conference (SADCC) comprende a Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Angola, Botswana, Lesotho y Swazilandia, y es la region mas grande de las 3 que tienen un programa de frijol de CIAT en Africa. La produccion de frijol de la region...
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Genetic improvement and related activities. Regional activities. Africa. Southern Africa]
Genetic improvement and related activities. Regional activities. Africa. Southern Africa
Cassava has been changing its role from a traditional fresh human food to an efficient crop for animal feed and starch production. Nearly all cassava is grown by small farmers. Harvested roots are sold to animal feed or starch factories, or are used for on-farm feeding of pigs to be sold at the m...
Kawano, Kazuo
[The role of improved cassava cultivars in generating income for better farm management]
The role of improved cassava cultivars in generating income for better farm management
Trends in world rice production The trends of world rice production, including important variables such as area, production, yields, trade, and international price, are analyzed. World statistics indicate that rice productivity, measured in tons of paddy rice per hectare, has increased over the p...
Se analizan las tendencias de la producción mundial de arroz, incluyendo las principales variables como área, producción, rendimiento, comercio y precio internacional. Según las estadísticas mundiales, la productividad, medida en toneladas de arroz ‘paddy’ por hectárea, se ha incrementado en los ...
Low quality of cassava stakes for planting is a major cause that limits cassava growth and productivity. Nutrient contents of the stakes are one possible key factor determining the stake quality. Priming refers to a method to improve the performance of plant propagules, such as seed or cutting, b...
Khanthavong, Phanthasin
Phattarakul, Nattinee
Jamjob, Sansanee
Aye, Tin Maung
Rerkasem, Benjavan
[Effect of stake priming with complete nutrient solution on cassava root and starch yield]
Effect of stake priming with complete nutrient solution on cassava root and starch yield