Participatory approaches to development in general and natural resource management in particular are now a widely accepted management strategy. Multi-agent system (MAS), a computer-based tool, offers a promising approach for multi-stakeholder management systems such as the case involving communit...
Purnomo, H.
Mendoza, G.A.
Prabhu, R.
Yasmi, Y.
[Developing multi-stakeholder forest management scenarios: a multi-agent system simulation approach applied in Indonesia]
Developing multi-stakeholder forest management scenarios: a multi-agent system simulation approach applied in Indonesia
Barriers to successful adoption of novel silvicultural practices are rarely just technical in nature. Simply put, why do some forest users practice better silviculture than others? Diverse perspectives in the social sciences have been brought to bear on this question, but most efforts suffer from...
Walter, B.B.
Sabogal, C.
Snook, L.K.
Almeida, E. de
[Constraints and opportunities for better silvicultural practice in tropical forestry: an interdisciplinary approach]
Constraints and opportunities for better silvicultural practice in tropical forestry: an interdisciplinary approach
Since the mid-1990s, Cameroon has launched a process of decentralization of the management of its forests. Among other innovations, this decentralization process has transferred powers over forests and financial benefits accruing from their exploitation to local communities. This article explores...
Oyono, P.R.
[Profiling local-level outcomes of environmental decentralizations: the case of Cameroon’s forests in the Congo Basin]
Profiling local-level outcomes of environmental decentralizations: the case of Cameroon’s forests in the Congo Basin
Due to the need for forest certification, the criteria and indicators for sustainable management of tropical forests have tended to operate more and more as standards, with criteria holding pride of place as compared to indicators. In practice, they are used as the definition of sustainability ap...
Karsenty, A.
Lescuyer, G.
Nasi, Robert
[Est-il possible de determiner des criteres et indicateurs de gestion durable des forets tropicales?]
Est-il possible de determiner des criteres et indicateurs de gestion durable des forets tropicales?
La relación entre los bosques tropicales y el cambio climático global se ha centrado más en la mitigación, mientras que se ha prestado menos atención a cómo las actividades de manejo pueden ayudar a los ecosistemas forestales a adaptarse a dicho cambio. Este documento discute la manera en que alg...
Guariguata, M.R.
[El manejo forestal en el contexto de la adaptación al cambio climático]
El manejo forestal en el contexto de la adaptación al cambio climático
Recent forest management initiatives in developing countries emphasize active participation of local people. However, many such attempts have been unsuccessful because little attention was directed at promoting conscious and joint learning processes. One way to enhance joint learning is through c...
Most of the world’s biodiversity will continue to exist outside protected areas and there are also managed lands within many protected areas. In the assessment of millennium targets, there is therefore a need for indicators to measure biodiversity and suitability of habitats for biodiversity both...
Dudley, N.
Baldock, D.
Nasi, Robert
Stolton, S.
[Measuring biodiversity and sustainable management in forests and agricultural landscapes]
Measuring biodiversity and sustainable management in forests and agricultural landscapes
Ruiz Perez, M.
Blas, D.E. de
Nasi, Robert
Sayer, Jeffrey A.
Sassen, M.
Angoue, C.
Gami, N.
Ndoye, O.
Ngono, G.
Nguinguiri, J.C.
Nzala, D.
Toirambe, B.
Yalibanda, Y.
[Who is logging the Congo?: a multi-country characterization of timber companies]
Who is logging the Congo?: a multi-country characterization of timber companies
Stakeholder conflicts in relation to forest decentralization policies were studied in West Kalimantan, Indonesia to determine: 1) how these policies were understood by local stakeholders 2) how they were implemented 3) and their impacts in terms of forest management and conflicts. A case study us...
Yasmi, Y.
Anshari, G.Z.
Komarudin, H.
Alqadrie, S.
[Stakeholder conflicts and forest decentralization policies in West Kalimantan: their dynamics and implications for future forest management]
Stakeholder conflicts and forest decentralization policies in West Kalimantan: their dynamics and implications for future forest management