The most important bean diseases in Latin America are listed and the events that occur during the disease cycle are described: inoculation, penetration, infection, and release or dissemination of the pathogen. Disease management or control is also described; this depends on economic, environmenta...
Se enumeran las enfermedades del frijol mas importantes en America Latina y se describen los diferentes eventos que se presentan en el ciclo de las enfermedades: inoculacion, penetracion, infeccion y liberacion o diseminacion del patogeno. Se describe tambien el manejo o control de las enfermedad...
Seeds provide an efficient method for disseminating pathogenic organisms to different locations; more than 50 percent of the major bean diseases are seed borne. Mechanical damage, which may occur during harvesting, threshing and/or planting, can affect seed viability, germination and contaminatio...
La semilla constituye un metodo eficiente de diseminacion de organismos fitopatogenos entre distintas localidades; mas del 50 por ciento de las principales enfermedades del frijol son transmitidas por semilla. El dano mecanico que ocurre durante la cosecha, trilla y/o siembra tambien puede afecta...
The symptomatology and control measures of BCMV, BYMV, BGMV, and bean chlorotic mottle virus are briefly described. General aspects regarding the genetic control of viruses and the use of chemicals to control insect vectors are discussed. Some bean lines and/or var. resistant to BCMV, BGMV, and b...
Se describen brevemente la sintomatologia y las medidas de control del BCMV, BYMV, BGMV y el virus del moteado clorotico del frijol. Se discuten aspectos generales sobre el control genetico de los virus y el uso de quimicos para controlar los insectos vectores. Se mencionan tambien algunas lineas...
Activities of the tissue culture section of the Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical were focused on the improvement and utilization of meristem culture methods for disease eradication (frog skin), germplasm conservation and international exchange as well as the initiation of research on ...
Activities of the tissue culture section of the Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical were focused on the improvement and utilization of meristem culture methods for disease eradication (frog skin), germplasm conservation and international exchange as well as the initiation of research on ...
Beans are attacked by a large no. of plant pathogens and insect pests, many of which can reduce yields drastically. Farmers with small land holdings usually have limited resources but produce most of the beans in L.A. Control strategies feasible for these growers may be restricted to those strate...
El frijol es atacado por un gran no. de organismos fitopatogenos y plagas, muchas de las cuales disminuyen los rendimientos significativamente. Los agricultores que poseen pequenas parcelas tienen generalmente ingresos muy limitados pero producen casi todo el frijol en America Latina. Las estrate...
The etiology, symptomatology, cultural and chemical control measures, and general aspects of control through var. resistance to bean diseases are described for the bacterial pathogens Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola and Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli. Some var. resistant to these patho...
Se describen la etiologia, sintomatologia, medidas de control cultural y quimico, y aspectos generales de control por resistencia var. de las enfermedades del frijol causadas por los patogenos bacterianos Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola y Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli. Se mencionan al...
One group of bean diseases with characteristic virus symptoms is the mosaic group, frequently associated with leaf and plant malformations and green and yellow stippling. Insect vectors belong to the families Chrysomelidae, Coccinelidae, and Meloidae. This group of virus contains the bean souther...
Un grupo de enfermedades del frijol con sintomas caracteristicos de los producidos por los virus es el de los mosaicos, frecuentemente asociados con deformaciones de las hojas y de las plantas y moteado verde o amarillo. Los insectos vectores son de las familias Chrysomelidae, Coccinelidae y Melo...
Since 1967, many diseases have been associated with mycoplasma- like microorganisms (MLM), especially when symptoms have been characterized by general plant chlorosis, stunting, excessive proliferation of branches (witches' broom), bud proliferation and disorders of floral organs (phyllody and vi...
Desde 1967, muchas enfermedades se han asociado con los microorganismos semejantes a micoplasmas (MSM) especialmente cuando los sintomas se han caracterizado por una clorosis general de la planta, raquitismo, proliferacion excesiva de ramas (superbrotamiento) y desordenes en los organos florales ...
Bean crops are attacked by several viruses transmitted by insects among which are: (1) beet curly top virus (Circulifer tenellus); the best control measure is the utilization of resistant var.; (2) the tobacco yellow dwarf virus (Orosius argentatus); (3) the tomato spotted wilt virus, which is tr...
El cultivo del frijol es atacado por varios virus transmitidos por insectos, entre los cuales estan: 1) el virus del apice rizado de la remolacha (Circulifer tenellus); la mejor medida de control es el uso de var. resistentes; 2) la muerte de verano del frijol (Orosius argentatus); 3) el virus de...