This guide is the second volume of a series of three that deals with the conservation of forest (tree and shrub) genetic resources. It is focused on the conservation of forest genetic resources in situ. Its main aim is to demonstrate the benefits attainable through genetic conservation, and to pr...
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
[Forest genetic resources conservation and management: In managed natural forests and protected areas (in situ): Vol. 2]
Forest genetic resources conservation and management: In managed natural forests and protected areas (in situ): Vol. 2
This guide is the first volume in a series of three booklets that deals with the conservation of forest (tree and shrub) genetic resources. This volume gives an overview of concepts and systematic approaches to conservation and management of forest genetic resources. It outlines the need to conse...
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
[Forest genetic resources conservation and management: overview, concepts and some systematic approaches: Vol. 1]
Forest genetic resources conservation and management: overview, concepts and some systematic approaches: Vol. 1
To meet the challenges of poverty and environmental sustainability, a more integrated approach to research is required. Such an approach must embrace the complexity of systems and redirect research towards the greater inclusion of issues such as participatory approaches, multi-scale analysis and ...
Campbell, Bruce M.
Sayer, Jeffrey A.
[Integrated natural resource management: linking productivity, the environment and development]
Integrated natural resource management: linking productivity, the environment and development
Local people in South-east Asia are often cited as skilled forest managers. It is barely acknowledged that an essential part of this forest management does not concern natural forests, but forests that have been planted, often after the removal of pre-existing natural forests; forests that are cu...
Michon, G.
Aulong, S.
Berenger, E.
Clement, I.
Goloubinoff, M.
Katz, E.
Sellato, B.
[Domesticating forests: how farmers manage forest resources]
Domesticating forests: how farmers manage forest resources
The study provides a comparative analysis of the devolution and empowerment process in 14 case studies drawn from eight countries in southern Africa. Each case study examined the extent to which policy and legislation devolves significant control over decision making and benefit flows to communit...
Shackleton, S.
Campbell, Bruce M.
[Devolution in natural resource management: institutional arrangements and power shifts: a synthesis of case studies from southern Africa]
Devolution in natural resource management: institutional arrangements and power shifts: a synthesis of case studies from southern Africa
Despite efforts to establish protected areas around the worl, the authority of government remains weak in forested areas. We examine the largest protected area in Central America, 'Bosawas' National Resource Reserve in Nicaragua, to demonstrate how overlapping systems of governance have encourage...
Kaimowitz, D.
Faune, A.
Mendoza, R.
[Your biosphere is my backyard: the story of Bosawas in Nicaragua]
Your biosphere is my backyard: the story of Bosawas in Nicaragua
This study examines the preliminary impacts of Indonesia's decentralization process on the administration and management of forest resources in Ketapang District, West Kalimantan. The case study is based on field work carried out in mid-2000, using a rapid appraisal methodology. The report covers...
Soetarto, E.
Sitorus, M.T.F.
Napiri, M.Y.
[Decentralisation of administration, policy making and forest management in Ketapang district, West Kalimantan]
Decentralisation of administration, policy making and forest management in Ketapang district, West Kalimantan
This paper reviews natural resource governance in Zimbabwe’s peasant sector from colonial to post-colonial times. Governance is considered within the framework of power, process and practice and how these shaped peasant access, control and use of natural resources. Colonial natural resource gover...
Mandondo, A.
[Situating Zimbabwe's natural resource governance systems in history]
Situating Zimbabwe's natural resource governance systems in history
Ngakan, P.O.
Achmad, A.
Wiliam, D.
Lahae, K.
Tako, A.
[The dynamics of decentralization in the forestry sector in South Sulawesi: the history, realities and challenges of decentralized governance]
The dynamics of decentralization in the forestry sector in South Sulawesi: the history, realities and challenges of decentralized governance
Ngakan, P.O.
Achmad, A.
Wiliam, D.
Lahae, K.
Tako, A.
[Dinamika proses desentralisasi sektor kehutanan di Sulawesi Selatan: sejarah, realitas dan tantangan menuju pemerintahan otonomi yang mandiri]
Dinamika proses desentralisasi sektor kehutanan di Sulawesi Selatan: sejarah, realitas dan tantangan menuju pemerintahan otonomi yang mandiri