Using groundwater for agricultural production has the potential to build resilience in food insecure regions of the world. Use of groundwater can boost agricultural production, improve rural incomes and strengthen farmers’ ability to withstand climate shocks and water variability. However, for gr...
CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems
[Building resilience through sustainable groundwater use]
Building resilience through sustainable groundwater use
This Information Note presents a summary of an analysis of the revised NBSAPs that were submitted by 119 countries to the CBD Secretariat prior to 20 November 2016. The study focused on how agrobiodiversity has been mainstreamed across sectors through the NBSAPs
Lapena, Isabel
Halewood, Michael
Hunter, Danny
[Mainstreaming agricultural biological diversity across sectors through NBSAPs: Missing Links to Climate Change Adaptation, Dietary Diversity and the Plant
Mainstreaming agricultural biological diversity across sectors through NBSAPs: Missing Links to Climate Change Adaptation, Dietary Diversity and the Plant
Policy makers and consumers are challenging the scientific community to come up with ways to measure the environmental impact of the foods we eat. This Brief describes a challenging and innovative research agenda implemented by Bioversity and its partners to describe and measure sustainable diets...
Fanzo, J.
Cogill, B.
Mattei, F.
Bioversity International
[Metrics of sustainable diets and food systems]
Metrics of sustainable diets and food systems
Husselman, M.
Moeliono, M.
Paumgarten, F.
[Bees in the miombo: buzzing toward the Millennium Development Goals]
Bees in the miombo: buzzing toward the Millennium Development Goals
Community seedbanks and emerging networks of community seedbanks contribute to the conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture. Community seedbanks can secure improved access to and availability of diverse, locally adapted crops and varieties and enhance r...
Vernooy, Ronnie
Clancy, E.
Diulgheroff, S.
Furman, B
González Santos, R.
Kajtna, B.
Marino, M.
Mushita, A.
Shrestha, P.
Song, Y.
Egon Sosinski, E.
Subedi, A.
Villacorta, J.
[Joining forces to strengthen community seedbanks worldwide]
Joining forces to strengthen community seedbanks worldwide
This info note summarizes a study about the cost of not adapting cocoa production in Ghana to climate changes. According to the study inaction will result in income losses to farmers and the economy. By providing a benchmark for this cost of inaction the authors aim to make it easier for cocoa st...
Schreyer, Felix
Bunn, Christian
Castro-Llanos, Fabio
[The economic case for climate action in West-African cocoa production. Adapting cocoa production in Ghana to climate change is a smart investment. Inaction will result in income losses to farmers and the economy]
The economic case for climate action in West-African cocoa production. Adapting cocoa production in Ghana to climate change is a smart investment. Inaction will result in income losses to farmers and the economy
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Investigación para el crecimiento sostenible de la producción agrícola : CIAT en los años 90]
Investigación para el crecimiento sostenible de la producción agrícola : CIAT en los años 90
The Global Community tries to make progress on 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that UN member states adopted in 2015. Key among these are SDG 2: “End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture”; SDG 6: “Ensure availability and sustainable man...
Ringler, Claudia
Willenbockel, Dirk
Perez, Nicostrato
Rosegrant, Mark W.
Zhu, Tingju
[The impact of a carbon tax on fossil fuels on the WEF nexus]
The impact of a carbon tax on fossil fuels on the WEF nexus
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Agreement among CATIE-CIAT-IICA on management of renewable natural resources for the sustainable agricultural development of the American tropics]
Agreement among CATIE-CIAT-IICA on management of renewable natural resources for the sustainable agricultural development of the American tropics
Innovation Platforms for the adoption of Climate Smart Agriculture for Family farmers (PIASAC) was a project aimed at creating local knowledge and capacities on climate change and finding options for adaption in a participatory way. The project took place in the municipality of Gracias, located i...