The role of on-farm testing in the development of new cassava technology at the Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) is described in detail. On farm cassava trials have established a link between the research program and farms in the 1st stages of technology development. These tria...
The trials conducted by CIATs Bean Economics Program in southern Huila (Colombia) have indicated that in this region monoculture bean yields can be increased 1-1.5 t/ha through improved agronomic practices. This paper is an ex ante analysis of the effect of this new technology on farmers` income,...
In 1976 expt. were conducted on var. trials, fertilization, insecticides, and herbicides in order to identify new technology that could be introduced into small- and intermediate-scale bean production in Honduras. Factors of a complete technological package were also discarded to identify the mos...
Alvarado, L
Sanders, J.H.
[Analisis economico de los experimentos de PROMYF con frijol en postrera, Honduras 1976]
Analisis economico de los experimentos de PROMYF con frijol en postrera, Honduras 1976
Income in Latin America is highly concentrated, more than in any other developing region of the world. Despite the fact that economic growth is an important element in the struggle against poverty, it alone does not guarantee alleviation or eradication of this phenomenon. Economic growth could fa...
The possibilities of underdeveloped countries to satisfy their needs for food and to improve the standard of Eving through cassava production are analyzed. The following aspects are studied: potential cassava production (current and potential situation), general research policies and areas (var. ...
Dvorak, K.A.
[Database of soil conservation projects and practices in Honduras: internal report]
Database of soil conservation projects and practices in Honduras: internal report
The different methodological stages of cassava on-farm trials and their relationships regarding the objectives and functions of the Cassava Program at the Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) are outlined. Site selection, farm trial design and analysis, and some illustrative result...
Activities carried out by the Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario (ICA)-CIAT collaborative project on beans for cold climates in ICA`s regional center in Obonuco and in the dept. of Narino (Colombia) are reported. On the exptl. farm, 6233 materials were evaluated in bush bean trials, of which 103 w...
Ashby, J.A.
Sperling, L.
[Institutionalizing participatory, client-driven research and technology development in agriculture]
Institutionalizing participatory, client-driven research and technology development in agriculture