This list consists of an initial set of characterization and evaluation descriptors for Lathyrus utilization. This key set of strategic descriptors, together with passport data, will become the basis for the global accession-level information system being developed by the Bioversity-led project, ...
Bioversity International
International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas
[Key access and utilization descriptors for Lathyrus spp. genetic resources]
Key access and utilization descriptors for Lathyrus spp. genetic resources
The flyer captures the achievements made from June 2014 to July 2015 to establish a growing and vibrant sweetpotato community of practice that enables sweetpotato researchers, development agents, farmers and consumers to obtain and apply sweetpotato knowledge effectively. The flyer details the de...
Tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius) is a legume crop that originated in the southwestern USA and central Mexico and is grown as far south as El Salvador. Today most tepary bean is produced by subsistence farmers for household consumption but wider use of this crop has potential to support climate...
Bioversity International
Universidad del Valle de Guatemala
[Frijol Tepari: cultivo nutritivo y resistente a la sequia para la adptacion climatica en Mesoamerica]
Frijol Tepari: cultivo nutritivo y resistente a la sequia para la adptacion climatica en Mesoamerica
Drucker, A.G.
Bioversity International
[Hoja divulgativa 1: ¿Por qué son necesarios los incentivos para la conservación y el uso de la agrobiodiversidad?]
Hoja divulgativa 1: ¿Por qué son necesarios los incentivos para la conservación y el uso de la agrobiodiversidad?
Tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius) is a legume crop that originated in the southwestern USA and central Mexico and is grown as far south as El Salvador. Today most tepary bean is produced by subsistence farmers for household consumption but wider use of this crop has potential to support climate...
Bioversity International
Universidad del Valle de Guatemala
[Tepary bean: Nutritious and drought-hardy crop for climate adaptation in Mesoamerica]
Tepary bean: Nutritious and drought-hardy crop for climate adaptation in Mesoamerica
Utilization-focused evaluation (UFE) is based on the principle that an evaluation should be judged by its utility. So no matter how technically sound and methodologically elegant, an evaluation is not truly a good evaluation unless the findings are used. UFE is a framework for enhancing the likel...