Achieving and maintaining global food security is challenged by changes in population, income, and climate, among other drivers. Assessing these challenges and possible solutions over the coming decades requires a rigorous multidisciplinary approach. To answer this challenge, the International Fo...
Robinson, S.
Mason-D'Croz, Daniel
Islan, S.
Cenacchi, N.
Creamer, Bernardo
Gueneau, A.
Hareau, G.
Kleinwechter, U.
Mottaleb, K.
Nedumaran, S.
Robertson, R.
Rosegrant, Mark W.
Sika, G.
Sulser, T.B.
Wiebe, K.
[Climate change adaptation in agriculture: Ex ante analysis of promising and alternative crop technologies using DSSAT and IMPACT]
Climate change adaptation in agriculture: Ex ante analysis of promising and alternative crop technologies using DSSAT and IMPACT
The project Integrated agricultural technologies for enhanced adaptive capacity and
resilient livelihoods in climate-smart villages (CSVs) of Southeast Asia aims to
provide climate-smart agriculture options to enhance adaptive capacity among CSV
farmers and stakeholders, and contribute to more cl...
Vernooy, Ronnie
Bertuso A
Pham H
Parker L
Kura Y
[Testing climate-smart agricultural technologies and practices in Southeast Asia: a manual for priority setting]
Testing climate-smart agricultural technologies and practices in Southeast Asia: a manual for priority setting
The purpose of this working paper is to provide insight into how we can use novel approaches to scale up research findings on climate-smart agriculture (CSA) to meaningfully address the challenges of poverty and climate change. The approaches described include those based on value chains and priv...
Westermann, Olaf
Thornton, Philip K.
Förch, Wiebke
[Reaching more farmers: Innovative approaches to scaling up climate-smart agriculture]
Reaching more farmers: Innovative approaches to scaling up climate-smart agriculture
The impacts of a warming world are affecting food production in every corner of the globe. From shifting rainfall patterns and growing seasons, to more frequent and extreme droughts and floods, to increasingly severe pest and disease outbreaks among crops and livestock, farming as we know it is u...
Loboguerrero Rodriguez, Ana María
Birch, James
Thornton, Philip K.
Meza, Laura
Sunga, Ishmael
Bong, Bui Ba
Rabbinge, Rudy
Reddy, Matthew
Dinesh, Dhanush
Korner, Jana
Martínez Barón, Deissy
Millan, Alberto
Hansen, James
Huyer, Sophia
Campbell, Bruce M.
[Feeding the World in a Changing Climate: An Adaptation Roadmap for Agriculture]
Feeding the World in a Changing Climate: An Adaptation Roadmap for Agriculture
The CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems (AAS) program, together with the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), asked
Prolinnova — an NGO-led multistakeholder international network that promotes local innovation processes in agriculture...
Wettasinha, C
Waters-Bayer, Ann
Veldhuizen, L. van
Quiroga, G
Swaans, K.
[Study on impacts of farmer-led research supported by civil society organizations]
Study on impacts of farmer-led research supported by civil society organizations
Groundwater is one of the most important sources for drinking water, livestock water, and irrigation in Africa. It is of vital importance in meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) target of accessing clean water, as most of rural Africa and a considerable part of urban Africa are supplie...
Altchenko, Yvan
Awulachew, Seleshi Bekele
Brida AB
Diallo, H.A.
Mogbante D
Pavelic, Paul
Tindimugaya, C.
Villholth, Karen G.
[Management of groundwater in Africa including transboundary aquifers: implications for food security, livelihood and climate change adaptation]
Management of groundwater in Africa including transboundary aquifers: implications for food security, livelihood and climate change adaptation
Tropical peatlands are among the largest pedologic pools of organic carbon. This study compared soil CO2 fluxes in an intact peat swamp forest, a transitional logged drained forest and an oil palm plantation located on the same alluvial peat plain (peat dome) in Jambi, Sumatra, Indonesia. Dynamic...
Comeau L
Hergoualc’h, Kristell
Smith, J.U.
Verchot, Louis V.
[Conversion of intact peat swamp forest to oil palm plantation: effects on soil CO2 fluxes in Jambi, Sumatra]
Conversion of intact peat swamp forest to oil palm plantation: effects on soil CO2 fluxes in Jambi, Sumatra
This paper aims to understand the linkages between adaptive capacity and social protection within agroforestry contexts through a case study approach. It examines how elements of adaptive capacity which include assets, institutions, knowledge, innovation systems and governance, can support or be ...
Chaudhury, M.
Ajayi, Oluyede C.
Hellin, J.
Neufeldt, Henry
[Climate change adaptation and social protection in agroforestry systems: enhancing adaptive capacity and minimizing risk of drought in Zambia and Honduras]
Climate change adaptation and social protection in agroforestry systems: enhancing adaptive capacity and minimizing risk of drought in Zambia and Honduras
To guide climate adaptation policies and investments, the majority of least developed
countries (LDCs) have developed National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPAs).
Agricultural biodiversity is an important, but often overlooked, element in climate adaptation;
new crop varieties, cropping and ...
Bedmar Villanueva, A.
Halewood, Michael
López Noriega, Isabel
[Agricultural biodiversity in climate change adaptation planning: An analysis of the National Adaptation Programmes of Action]
Agricultural biodiversity in climate change adaptation planning: An analysis of the National Adaptation Programmes of Action
The primary focus of this paper is on farmers adaptation strategies against climatic variability in arid and semi-arid regions of India. The farmers perceptions and coping practices are largely governed by village level variables governed by the weather conditions. The paper is based on the syn...
Jodha NS
Singh, Naveen P.
Bantilan, MCS
[Enhancing farmers adaptation to climate change in arid and semi-arid agriculture of India: evidences from indigenous practices]
Enhancing farmers adaptation to climate change in arid and semi-arid agriculture of India: evidences from indigenous practices