Climate Services for Resilient Development (CSRD) is a global partnership that connects climate and environmental science with data streams to generate decision support tools and training for decision-makers in developing countries. Translating complex climate information into easy to understand ...
Khan, Shahidul Haque
[Climate Services for Resilient Development (CSRD) in South Asia]
Climate Services for Resilient Development (CSRD) in South Asia
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Información Climática en las Manos de Agricultores]
Información Climática en las Manos de Agricultores
El presente documento es un atlas de Centro América y El Caribe que proporciona información general sobre los diferentes grados de esfuerzo de adaptación necesarios para mitigar los impactos del cambio climático en la producción de cacao. Así mismo, contiene mapas de la región, y por país, de las...
Bunn, Christian
Lundy, Mark
Wiegel, Jennifer
Castro-Llanos, Fabio
[Impacto del cambio climático en la producción de cacao para Centroamérica y El Caribe. Atlas]
Impacto del cambio climático en la producción de cacao para Centroamérica y El Caribe. Atlas
CGIAR Secretariat
[Global Climate Change Dossier: Can Agriculture Cope? Mapping the Menace of Global Climate Change]
Global Climate Change Dossier: Can Agriculture Cope? Mapping the Menace of Global Climate Change
Este folleto se publica en el marco del proyecto “Servicios agroclimáticos e información de seguridad alimentaria para una mejor toma de decisiones – AgroClimas” (, apoyado por el Programa de Investigación de CGIAR en Cambio Climático, Agricultura y Seguridad Alimentaria ...
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Consideraciones para la producción artesanal de semilla de fríjol. Cartilla 3]
Consideraciones para la producción artesanal de semilla de fríjol. Cartilla 3
Bonilla Findji, Osana
Álvarez Toro, Patricia
Martínez Barón, Deissy
Ortega, Luis A.
Leguia Hidalgo, Efraín J.
Aguilar, A.
Paz, L.
Suchini, José G.
[Latin America ClimateSmart Villages AR4D sites: 2016 Inventory]
Latin America ClimateSmart Villages AR4D sites: 2016 Inventory
With support from IDRC and CCAFS Southeast Asia, IIRR and its local NGO partners is implementing Climate-Smart Villages (CSVs) to demonstrate community-based adaptation in agriculture in different agroecological zones in Myanmar. This primer is based on IIRR baseline studies as well as desk resea...
Gonsalves, Julian
Wilson John Barbon
Chan Myae
Yinn Minn Latt
[Resource conservation in the uplands of Southern Shan: How climate smart agriculture can help.]
Resource conservation in the uplands of Southern Shan: How climate smart agriculture can help.
Agriculture and climate function hand in hand; they
also dysfunction hand in hand. Today, 32-39% of
global crop yield variability is explained by climate,
translating into annual production fluctuations of
approximately 2 to 22 million tonnes for major crops
such as maize, rice, wheat and soybean...
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
[Climate-Smart Villages: An AR4D approach to scale up climate-smart agriculture]
Climate-Smart Villages: An AR4D approach to scale up climate-smart agriculture
CCAFS South Asia is working with national partners and CGIAR centres in the region to study the potential to deliver timely and accurate agromet advisories and provide climate information to farmers through mobile phones and radio. We have tested projects in partnership with IFFCO Kissan Sanchar ...
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
[Using ICT tools to increase farmers’ resilience to climatic risks]
Using ICT tools to increase farmers’ resilience to climatic risks
In the next 20 years, increasing the productivity and incomes from smallholder crop, livestock, fishery and forestry
production systems will be key to achieving global food security. Most of the world’s poor are directly or indirectly dependent
on agriculture, and experience has shown that growth...
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
[Climate-Smart Agriculture: What is it? Why is it needed?]
Climate-Smart Agriculture: What is it? Why is it needed?