This paper describes a Tropical Pasture Simulator. This is a simple mechanistic model
representing the growth of vegetative tropical pastures under rotational or continuous grazing with responses to N fertiliser, temperature and irradiance that can be used as a tool to study
management options fo...
Herrero, Mario T.
Fawcett, R.H.
Silveira, V.
Busqué, J.
Bernués, A.
Dent, J.B.
[Modelling the growth and utilisation of kikuyu grass (Pennisetum clandestinum) under grazing. 1. Model definition and parameterisation]
Modelling the growth and utilisation of kikuyu grass (Pennisetum clandestinum) under grazing. 1. Model definition and parameterisation
Serrao, Emanuel Adilson de Souza
Moreno Ruiz, Miguel Antonio
Veiga, Jonas Bastos da
[Experiencia regional con Centrosema:Brasil, zona tropical húmeda]
Experiencia regional con Centrosema:Brasil, zona tropical húmeda
Reyes A., César A.
Keller-Grein, Gerhard
Pérez, Ricardo C.
[Experiencia regional con Centrosema:Perú, Bolivia y Ecuador]
Experiencia regional con Centrosema:Perú, Bolivia y Ecuador
Lascano, Carlos E.
Teitzel, J.K
Eng Pei Kong
[Valor nutritivo de Centrosema y producción animal]
Valor nutritivo de Centrosema y producción animal
Kamau, P.
[Forage diversity and impact of grazing management on rangeland ecosystems in Mbeere District, Kenya]
Forage diversity and impact of grazing management on rangeland ecosystems in Mbeere District, Kenya
Evaluation under grazing is an important stage in the evaluation of pasture germplasm for the selection of potential new cultivars. Entry to this stage of evaluation presupposes an already existing adaptation to the climatic and edaphic conditions of the relevant area or areas, high yield, resist...
Jones, Raymond J.
[Evaluation under grazing of pasture germplasm in advanced stages of selection]
Evaluation under grazing of pasture germplasm in advanced stages of selection
Grassland improvement work, particularly in the early stages of developing a program for tropical regions, involves a comparison of new accessions selected from wild populations whose potential as cultivated forages is often unknown.
Pasture species evaluation strategies employed at CIAT's main s...
Grof, Bert
[Selection of pasture cultivars from many germplasm entries under grazing]
Selection of pasture cultivars from many germplasm entries under grazing
En este documento se discuten trabajos que se aplican a la etapa final de la producción de carne con el objeto de contribuir al diseño de sistemas de alimentación a base de forrajes y de determinar el potencial de esos sistemas para las condiciones del trópico.
Cubillos O., Gustavo
Vohnout, K.
Jiménez, C.
[Sistemas intensivos de alimentación del ganado en pastoreo]
Sistemas intensivos de alimentación del ganado en pastoreo
El propósito de este trabajo es el de resumir los resultados más importantes surgidos de más de 50 años de investigación sobre la suplementación de animales en pastoreo en las regiones del Sur en el Continente Africano. Han identificado los nutrimentos limitantes principales en las praderas natur...
An analysis is presented of the relationships between the form of grazing land or pasture—a form that is expressed by its architecture in the ecosystem—and the dynamics of discharge in the pasture used by cattle. The objective of searching and demonstrating relationships of this nature is to esta...