The participatory domestication of high-value indigenous fruit, nut and medicinal trees is an ICRAF program implemented in various countries. Villagers are helped to develop local nurseries, taught skills of vegetative propagation, and assisted with the technical implementation of selecting super...
The Participatory Technology Development (PTD) project, a component of PN24 ‘Livelihood Resilience in Dry Areas’ which is a project of the CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food, was extensively documented in the book, “Gathering Wisdom from the Field: Participatory Technology Development in U...
Gonsalves, Julian
[Participatory technology development in Upper Karkheh River basin, Iran]
Participatory technology development in Upper Karkheh River basin, Iran
The tool is used for identifying the constraints of irrigation systems and implementing appropriate interventions. Water professionals such as irrigation engineers in Burkina Faso and Niger were trained on participatory diagnostic tools through the West African Irrigation Project (WAIPRO).
Gonsalves, Julian
[Participatory diagnostic tools under the West African Irrigation Project (WAIPRO)]
Participatory diagnostic tools under the West African Irrigation Project (WAIPRO)
The project engages farm families in participatory varietal selection (PVS) strategy to accelerate NERICA dissemination. The objective of the project is to help small-scale producers in the seven pilot countries to improve rice production and incomes through the dissemination of NERICA and other ...
A good example of important outcomes (policy and institutional change) from action research in the governance domain, though not focused specifically on climate change.
Informal groups in Mauritania for water and soil conservation were set up and farmers and technicians were given hands-on training in building small dams, dikes, stone contour ridges, semi-circular bunds, terraces and runoff strips.
Under agreement with CIAT and led by the Universidad del Cauca, new forage technologies are being introduced and evaluated using a participatory approach working with small- and medium-sized livestock producers from northern Cauca, Colombia. The project aims to identify, assess and co-develop ger...
Gonsalves, Julian
[Increased productivity, competitiveness and sustainability of systems of small and medium livestock producers in the Patía Basin and Popayán Plateau]
Increased productivity, competitiveness and sustainability of systems of small and medium livestock producers in the Patía Basin and Popayán Plateau
The overall goal of the project is to identify, test and prove ways to increase agricultural production, improve household food security, and alleviate poverty, thereby reducing food-aid dependency in rural Zimbabwe through better-integrated crop and livestock production and market participation....
Gonsalves, Julian
[Integrating crops and livestock for improved food security and livelihoods in rural Zimbabwe]
Integrating crops and livestock for improved food security and livelihoods in rural Zimbabwe
The Future Scenarios initiative works in a participatory and interactive way with technical advisors and other key stakeholders in East and West Africa to build some up pictures of different worlds, or narratives, that identify the uncertainties that policy-makers may be faced with at the regiona...
This project will develop and test community-based breeding strategies for resource poor sheep owners in the highlands of Ethiopia. It will operationalize a rising approach in genetic improvement of livestock breeds that necessitates the involvement of local communities and institutions in the de...
Gonsalves, Julian
[Designing community-based breeding strategies for indigenous sheep breeds of smallholders in Ethiopia]
Designing community-based breeding strategies for indigenous sheep breeds of smallholders in Ethiopia