Animal traction has been an integral part of most agricultural systems in Ethiopia for thousands of years. There is evidence that cattle were first used for ploughing in the latter part of the third millennium BC (Goe and Astatke, 1989). Today, the traditional cattle economy is directed mainly to...
Astatke, A.
Mohamed-Saleem, M.A.
[Draught animal power for land-use intensification in the Ethiopian highlands]
Draught animal power for land-use intensification in the Ethiopian highlands
Soils used for rainfed cereal production in Niger are sandy, deficient in major nutrients (N and P), and also low in organic matter content. Scarce rainfall with an unpredictable distribution in space and time makes crop and nutrient management difficult. Observations were made in 1996 and 1997...
Gandah, M.
Bouma, Jetske
Brouwer, J.
Hiernaux, Pierre H.Y.
Duivenbooden, N. van
[Strategies to optimize allocation of limited nutrients to sandy soils of the Sahel: A case study from Niger, West Africa]
Strategies to optimize allocation of limited nutrients to sandy soils of the Sahel: A case study from Niger, West Africa
Ecological restoration through exclosure establishment has become an increasingly important approach to reversing degraded ecosystems in rangelands worldwide. The present study was conducted in northwestern Ethiopia where policy programs are aiming to restore degraded lands. Changes in soil prope...
Mekuria, Wolde M.
Langan, Simon J.
Noble, A.D.
Johnston, Robyn M.
[Soil restoration after seven years of exclosure management in northwestern Ethiopia]
Soil restoration after seven years of exclosure management in northwestern Ethiopia
The distribution of Trichoderma species in soils of Embu region in relation to land use practices was investigated. The study area was chosen because of its significant land use intensification. Soil washing and dilution plate techniques were used to recover Trichoderma spp from soil samples. The...
Okoth, Sheila A.
Roimen, H
Mutsotso, B
Muya, EA
Kahindi, JHP
Owino, JO
Okoth, Peter F.
[Land use systems and distribution of Trichoderma species in Embu region, Kenya = Relación entre uso del suelo y la distribución de Trichoderma en la región de Embu, Kenia]
Land use systems and distribution of Trichoderma species in Embu region, Kenya = Relación entre uso del suelo y la distribución de Trichoderma en la región de Embu, Kenia
En dos zonas de ladera al norte del Departamento del Cauca, con precipitación promedia anual entre 1600 y 2400 mm y en suelos clasificados como Inceptisoles, se han establecido parcelas de escorrentía con diferentes manejos durante siete años. En muestras de suelos procedentes de estos manejos se...
Castillo Franco, JA
Amézquita Collazos, Edgar
Muller-Samann, KM
[La turbidimetría una metodología promisoria para caracterizar la estabilidad estructural de los suelos = Turbidimetry a promising method to characterize the structural stability of soils]
La turbidimetría una metodología promisoria para caracterizar la estabilidad estructural de los suelos = Turbidimetry a promising method to characterize the structural stability of soils
The increasing attention paid to local soil knowledge in recent years is the result of a greater recognition that the knowledge of people who have been interacting with their soils for long time can offer many insights about the sustainable management of tropical soils. This paper describes two a...
Barrios, E.
Trejo Tercero, M.T.
[Implications of local soil knowledge for integrated soil management in Latin America]
Implications of local soil knowledge for integrated soil management in Latin America
To guide soil fertility investment programmes in sub-Saharan Africa, better understanding is needed of the relative importance of soil and crop management factors in determining smallholder crop yields and yield variability. Spatial variability in crop yields within farms is strongly influenced b...
Tittonell, Pablo A.
Shepherd, Keith D.
Vanlauwe, Bernard
Giller, Ken E.
[Unravelling the effects of soil and crop management on maize productivity in smallholder agricultural systems of western Kenya : An application of classification and regression tree analysis]
Unravelling the effects of soil and crop management on maize productivity in smallholder agricultural systems of western Kenya : An application of classification and regression tree analysis
To determine the efficiency of utilization of organic matter in agricultural production, nitrogen flow was estimated within a village-farm model in the west of Niger, West Africa. Nitrogen was focused on in this study as it is known to be a major nutrient component of organic matter and one of th...
Hayashi, K.
Matsumoto, N.
Hayashi, E.
Abdoulaye, Tahirou
Shinjo, H.
Tabo, Ramadjita
Matsunaga, R.
Tobita, S.
[Estimation of nitrogen flow within a villagefarm model in Fakara region in Niger, Sahelian zone of West Africa]
Estimation of nitrogen flow within a villagefarm model in Fakara region in Niger, Sahelian zone of West Africa
Land degradation is a major challenge limiting crop production in Ethiopia. Integrated soil and water conservation is widely applied as a means to reverse the trend and increase productivity. This study investigated the effects of such integrated approaches at two sites, Jeldu and Diga, in Wester...
Erkossa, Teklu
Williams, Timothy O.
Laekemariam, F.
[Integrated soil, water and agronomic management effects on crop productivity and selected soil properties in Western Ethiopia]
Integrated soil, water and agronomic management effects on crop productivity and selected soil properties in Western Ethiopia
Low inherent soil fertility in the highly weathered and leached soils largely accounts for low and unsustained crop yields in most African countries. But in particular, the major nutrients, nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), are commonly deficient in these soils. This scenario of nutrient depletion...
Okalebo, JR
Othieno, CO
Woomer, P.L.
Karanja, NKN
Semoka, JMR
Bekunda, Mateete A.
Mugendi, DN
Muasya, RM
Bationo, B. André
Mukhwana, EJ
[Available technologies to replenish soil fertility in East Africa]
Available technologies to replenish soil fertility in East Africa