To support the roll-out of the Stepwise approach a Smartphone application was developed as a tool for use by impact partner extension workers. IITA partnered with Mango Tree, an educational, communication and design company based in Uganda ( combining research and tec...
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture
[The Stepwise Smartphone Application Co-creation of innovative agricultural extension support tools]
The Stepwise Smartphone Application Co-creation of innovative agricultural extension support tools
Transforming Food Systems Under a Changing Climate is an initiative that aims to identify high-priority actions for food systems to both adapt to climate change and reduce emissions, while not losing sight of the many other functions of, and challenges to, our food systems. The action described i...
Transforming Food Systems Under a Changing Climate Initiative
[Actions to transform food systems under climate change: Drive social change for more sustainable decisions]
Actions to transform food systems under climate change: Drive social change for more sustainable decisions
Evidence exists to support CSA programming on the most widely cultivated crops (e.g. maize), and most common agricultural practices (e.g. fertilizer addition) in Tanzania. However, products and places central to rural livelihoods such as livestock, coastal drylands, and humid regions near Lake Vi...
Lamanna, Christine
Kimaro, Anthony A.
Arslan, Aslihan
Corner-Dolloff, Caitlin
Rosenstock, Todd S.
[What is the evidence-base for climate-smart agriculture in Tanzania?]
What is the evidence-base for climate-smart agriculture in Tanzania?
Transforming Food Systems Under a Changing Climate is an initiative that aims to identify high-priority actions for food systems to both adapt to climate change and reduce emissions, while not losing sight of the many other functions of, and challenges to, our food systems. The action described i...
Transforming Food Systems Under a Changing Climate Initiative
[Actions to transform food systems under climate change: Reduce food loss and waste]
Actions to transform food systems under climate change: Reduce food loss and waste
This note introduces the climate-smart agriculture sustainable, productive, profitable, equitable and resilient (CSA-SuPER) research project implemented by a consortium comprising CARE International, International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), an...
Pamuk, Haki
Asseldonk, Marcel van
Deering, Karl
Girvetz, Evan H.
Hella, Joseph
Karanja Ng'ang'a, Stanley
Masoud, Thabit
Osiemo, Jamleck
Ruben, Ruerd
[Testing a new model combining micro-finance and farmer training to upscale the adoption of climate-smart agriculture practices by small-scale farmers in developing countries]
Testing a new model combining micro-finance and farmer training to upscale the adoption of climate-smart agriculture practices by small-scale farmers in developing countries
Depuis 2009, des milliards de dollars ont été investis dans des programmes d’AIC dans le but d’aider les petits exploitants à augmenter leur productivité tout en s’adaptant aux changements climatiques et en contribuant à les atténuer. Cependant, l’AIC a récemment dépassé les cercles de l’aide au ...
Rosenstock, Todd S.
Wilkes, Andreas
Nowak, Andreea
Akamandisa, Vincent M.
Bondo, Austin
Kimaro, Anthony A.
Lucas, Irene
Makoko, Kondwani
Masikati, Patricia
Malozo, Mponda
Morongwe, Sepa
Ngwira, Gomezyani
Njoloma, Joyce
Nyoka, Isaac
Pedzisa, Tarisayi
Shoo, Aikande
Temu, Emmanuel
Fay, John
[Mesure, notification et vérification de l’agriculture intelligente face au climat: changement de perspective, changement de possibilités ? Conclusions de l’auto-évaluation nationale des besoins, systèmes et opportunités]
Mesure, notification et vérification de l’agriculture intelligente face au climat: changement de perspective, changement de possibilités ? Conclusions de l’auto-évaluation nationale des besoins, systèmes et opportunités
Alrededor de un tercio de los países de América Latina han expresado la intención de utilizar la agroforestería para cumplir con sus compromisos climáticos nacionales.
A pesar de este interés, barreras técnicas e institucionales a menudo impiden que la agroforestería sea incluida y tomada en cuen...
Suber, Marta
Wilkes, Andreas
Jallo, Courtney
Namoi, Nictor
Bulusu, Medha
Rosenstock, Todd S.
[Hacer que los árboles cuenten en América Latina y el Caribe: Medición, reporte y verificación (MRV) de agroforestería en la CMNUCC]
Hacer que los árboles cuenten en América Latina y el Caribe: Medición, reporte y verificación (MRV) de agroforestería en la CMNUCC
Policies, institutions and services to help farmers develop new approaches to deal with climate change will need to produce results for women farmers as well as men. This brief provides five policy lessons to support this process, based
on evidence from research in low- and middle- income countri...
Huyer, Sophia
Twyman, Jennifer
Koningstein, Manon
Ashby, Jacqueline A.
Vermeulen, Sonja J.
[Supporting women farmers in a changing climate: five policy lessons]
Supporting women farmers in a changing climate: five policy lessons
Une recherche récente présentée lors d’une
conférence à Paris co-organisée par le programme
de recherche du CGIAR sur le changement climatique,
l’agriculture et la sécurité alimentaire (CCAFS),
le Conseil international des sciences sociales (CISS)
et Future Earth a produit cinq recommandations
Huyer, Sophia
Twyman, Jennifer
Koningstein, Manon
Ashby, Jacqueline A.
Vermeulen, Sonja J.
[Aider les femmes agricultrices à vivre le changement climatique: cinq recommandations politique]
Aider les femmes agricultrices à vivre le changement climatique: cinq recommandations politique