Nutritional studies of cassava have shown that in high-P acid laterite soils, there was no response to P application during four years of consecutive cropping. In low-P soil, even though cassava initially responded to 100 kg P2O5/ha, the response gradually declined. The optimum economic dose of P...
Mohankumar, C.R.
Potty, V.P.
Ravindran, C.S.
Kabeerathumma, S.
Sudharmai Devi, C.R.
[Progress in agronomy research in India]
Progress in agronomy research in India
Cochrane, Thomas T.
[Caracterización agroecológica para el desarrollo de pasturas en suelos ácidos de América Tropical]
Caracterización agroecológica para el desarrollo de pasturas en suelos ácidos de América Tropical
Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) has three goals—productivity, resilience and mitigation. Rarely are these accounted for in CSA programming or the scientific evidence that supports it. Here, we evaluate the climate smartness of CSA-based agroforestry practices in Tabora and Dodoma, Tanzania using ...
Kimaro, Anthony A.
Sererya, Ogossy G.
Matata, Peter
Uckert, Götz
Hafner, Johanes
Graef, Frieder
Sieber, Stefan
Rosenstock, Todd S.
[Understanding the multidimensionality of climate-smartness: Examples from agroforestry in Tanzania]
Understanding the multidimensionality of climate-smartness: Examples from agroforestry in Tanzania
In this final section we will discuss the interrelationships among people, trees and local climate (the inner circle of the diagram), and all the surrounding issues at national and international levels, and then relate our current understanding and knowledge of these interrelations to opportuniti...
Leimona B
Noordwijk, Meine van
Joshi, Laxman
Catacutan, D.
Yatich, T.
Dietz, Johannes
Mwangi H
Gathenya JM
Muthuri C
Sinclair, Fergus L.
Bhattarai, S.
Onyango, Leah
Kalinganire, Antoine
Noordin Q
Bayala, Jules
Gebrekirstos, Aster
Tscherning K
Duque Piñon, C.
[Supporting multifunctionality through realistic, conditional and voluntary actions to enhance trees as source of environmental services]
Supporting multifunctionality through realistic, conditional and voluntary actions to enhance trees as source of environmental services
The main argument in this section is that changing (or 'transforming') landscapes and lives are mutually dependent on each other, as they are closely linked in time and space. Within the landscape continuum, the roles of landscape elements in supplying goods and services to local livelihoods, how...
Ramírez, M.
Ortiz, R.
Taba S
Sebastian, Leocadio S.
Peralta E
Williams, D.
Ebert A
Vezina, A.
[Demonstrating interdependence on plant genetic resources for food and agriculture]
Demonstrating interdependence on plant genetic resources for food and agriculture
We investigated variation in age-adjusted fuelwood properties of Balanites aegyptiaca, Combretum glutinosum, Guiera senegalensis, Piliostigma reticulatum and Ziziphus mauritiana along latitudinal transects in five regions extending from eastern to western Mali. The objectives were to determine if...
Sotelo Montes, Carmen
Weber, John C.
Silva DA
Muñiz, G.I.B.
García, R.A.
[Variation in fuelwood properties of five tree/shrub species in the Sahelian and Sudanian ecozones of Mali: relationships with rainfall, regions, land-use and soil types]
Variation in fuelwood properties of five tree/shrub species in the Sahelian and Sudanian ecozones of Mali: relationships with rainfall, regions, land-use and soil types
Burkina Faso is a landlocked country in West Africa covering about 274,000 square kilometers. It is bordered by the Republic of Mali on the north and west; by Cote d’Ivoire on the Southwest; by Ghana, Togo, and Benin on the South; and by Niger on the east. The country has a dry tropi¬cal climate ...
Smart agricultural technologies are required to advance the development, productivity, and sustainability of the crop and livestock value chains. Several steps are required to fully deploy novel agricultural technologies to millions of smallholder farmers and assist countries in southern Africa t...
Nhamo, N.
Chikoye, D.
Gondwe, T.
[Delivering integrated climate-smart agricultural technologies for wider utilization in Southern Africa]
Delivering integrated climate-smart agricultural technologies for wider utilization in Southern Africa
Ojima DS
Canadell JG
Conant, Richard T.
Negra, Christine
Tschakert, Petra
[Carbon cycle sustainability and land use]
Carbon cycle sustainability and land use