Social capital has become a critical issue in agricultural development as it plays an important role in collective action, such as, management of common resources and collective marketing. Whilst literature exists on the role of social capital in the use and adoption of improved agricultural tech...
Njuki, Jemimah
Mapila, MT
Zingore, Shamie
Delve, Robert J.
[The dynamics of social capital in influencing use of soil management options in the Chinyanja Triangle of southern Africa]
The dynamics of social capital in influencing use of soil management options in the Chinyanja Triangle of southern Africa
Improved understanding of soil fertility factors limiting crop productivity is important to develop appropriate soil and nutrient management recommendations in sub-Saharan Africa. Diagnostic trials were implemented in Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Nigeria and Tanzania, as part of the African Soils Informa...
Kihara, Job
Nziguheba, Generose
Zingore, Shamie
Coulibaly, Adama
Esilaba, Anthony O.
Kabambe, Vernon
Njoroge, Samuel
Palm, Cheryl
Huising, Jeroen
[Understanding variability in crop response to fertilizer and amendments in sub-Saharan Africa]
Understanding variability in crop response to fertilizer and amendments in sub-Saharan Africa
Waswa, Boaz S.
Vlek, Paul L.G.
Tamene, Lulseged
Okoth, Peter F.
Mbakaya, DS
Zingore, Shamie
[Evaluating indicators of land degradation in smallholder farming systems of western Kenya]
Evaluating indicators of land degradation in smallholder farming systems of western Kenya
Soil tillage and other methods of soil management may influence CO2 emissions because they accelerate the mineralization of organic carbon in the soil. This study aimed to quantify the CO2 emissions under conventional tillage (CT), minimum tillage (MT) and reduced tillage (RT) during the renovati...
Silva-Olaya AM
Cerri, Carlos Eduardo
La Scala, Newton
Dias, C.T.S.
Cerri, C.C.
[Carbon dioxide emissions under different soil tillage systems in mechanically harvested sugarcane]
Carbon dioxide emissions under different soil tillage systems in mechanically harvested sugarcane
Ramírez, B.L.
Lavelle, Patrick M.
Orjuela, JA
Villanueva, O
[Characterization of cattle farms and adoption of agroforestry systems as a proposal for soil management in Caquetá, Colombia]
Characterization of cattle farms and adoption of agroforestry systems as a proposal for soil management in Caquetá, Colombia
Zambia has three primary agro-ecological regions, with each region having specific ecological characteristics. Region II agro-ecological zone of Zambia has low nutrient reserves and poor water holding capacity due to moderately leached clayey to loamy soil; this has led to low soybean productivit...
Alamu, E.O.
Gondwe, T.
Akinwale, G.
Suzuki, K.
Chisonga, C.
Chigeza, G.
Maziya-Dixon, B.B.
[Impact of soil fertility management practices on the nutritional quality of Soybean (Glycine max (l.) Merr.) varieties grown in Eastern Zambia]
Impact of soil fertility management practices on the nutritional quality of Soybean (Glycine max (l.) Merr.) varieties grown in Eastern Zambia
Since soil organic matter (SOM) buffers against impacts of climatic variability, the objective of this study was to assess on-farm distribution of SOM and propose realistic options for increasing SOM and thus the adaptation of smallholder farmers to climate change and variability in the interior ...
Heve, William K
Olesen, J.E.
Chirinda, Ngonidzashe
Adiku, Samuel G.K.
[Targeted management of organic resources for sustainably increasing soil organic carbon: Observations and perspectives for resource use and climate adaptations in northern Ghana]
Targeted management of organic resources for sustainably increasing soil organic carbon: Observations and perspectives for resource use and climate adaptations in northern Ghana
Research results published regarding the impact of soil and water conservation practices in the highland areas of Ethiopia have been inconsistent and scattered. In this paper, a detailed review and synthesis is reported that was conducted to identify the impacts of soil and water conservation pra...
Adimassu, Zenebe
Langan, Simon J.
Johnston, Robyn M.
Mekuria, Wolde M.
Amede, Tilahun
[Impacts of soil and water conservation practices on crop yield, run-off, soil loss and nutrient loss in Ethiopia: review and synthesis]
Impacts of soil and water conservation practices on crop yield, run-off, soil loss and nutrient loss in Ethiopia: review and synthesis