The first decade of the 21st century has seen several harbingers of a troubled future for global food security. The food price spike of 2008, with its consequent food riots and resulting political changes in several countries, awoke the world’s leaders to the re-emergence of this threat to human ...
Nelson, Gerald C.
Rosegrant, Mark W.
Palazzo, Amanda
Gray I
Ingersoll C
Robertson, Richard D.
Tokgoz S
Zhu, T.
Sulser TB
Ringler, Claudia
Msangi S
You, Liangzhi
[Food security, farming, and climate change to 2050: Scenarios, results, policy options]
Food security, farming, and climate change to 2050: Scenarios, results, policy options
Traditionally, the spread and extent of human settlement beyond the major riparian zones of Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and across many other arid regions of the world, has been determined by availability of groundwater supplies, accessed through hand-dug wells andsprings. In more recent times, grou...
Pavelic, Paul
Giordano, Mark
Keraita, Bernard N.
Ramesh, Vidya
Rao, Tamma
[Groundwater availability and use in Sub-Saharan Africa: a review of 15 countries]
Groundwater availability and use in Sub-Saharan Africa: a review of 15 countries
El Plan de Acción Estratégico para Fortalecer la Conservación y el Uso de los Recursos Fitogenéticos Mesoamericanos para la Adaptación de la Agricultura al Cambio Climático (PAEM) es un mapa de ruta a diez años para fortalecer la conservación, el acceso y el uso de los recursos fitogenéticos de M...
Ramírez, M.
Galluzzi, Gea
Zonneveld, M. van
Thomas E
Etten, Jacob van
Pinzon, S.
Alcázar, C.
Beltran, M.
Libreros D
Vay L
Solano W
Williams, D.
Maselli S
Quirós, W.
Alonso, Silvia
Remple N
[Plan de accion estrategico para fortaleces la conservacion y el uso RFG mesoamericanos para la adaptacion de la agricultura al cambio climatico. PAEM 2014-2024]
Plan de accion estrategico para fortaleces la conservacion y el uso RFG mesoamericanos para la adaptacion de la agricultura al cambio climatico. PAEM 2014-2024
Climatic changes and increasing climatic variability are likely to aggravate the problem of future food security by exerting pressure on agriculture. However, there are lot of uncertainties about the assessment of impact, adaptation and mitigation of climate change in agriculture. It is largely b...
Pathak, Himanshu
Aggarwal, Pramod K.
Singh, S.D.
[Climate change impact, adaptation and mitigation in agriculture: methodology for assessment and applications]
Climate change impact, adaptation and mitigation in agriculture: methodology for assessment and applications
This book is the result of a consultative process, which brought together experts from Eastern Africa and beyond to synthesize and compile existing information on the role of trees in building resilience in the region’s drylands. The group consisted of a mixture of experts with backgrounds in res...
Leeuw, Jan de
Njenga M
Wagner B
Iiyama, Miyuki
[Treesilience: An assessment of the resilience provided by trees in the drylands of Eastern Africa]
Treesilience: An assessment of the resilience provided by trees in the drylands of Eastern Africa
The second of three books in IFPRI's climate change in Africa series, East African Agriculture and Climate Change: A Comprehensive Analysis examines the food security threats facing 10 of the countries that make up east and central Africa - Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Eritrea, Kenya, M...
Waithaka, Michael
Nelson, Gerald C.
Thomas, Timothy S.
Kyotalimye, Miriam
[East African agriculture and climate change: a comprehensive analysis]
East African agriculture and climate change: a comprehensive analysis
Contains articles in Vietnamese with English abstracts. The articles are listed under the following sections: Overview. Climate change vulnerability assessment in fisheries and aquaculture. Qualitative and systematic approaches in climate change assessment in fisheries and aquaculture. Quantitati...
Tran, N.
Nguyen, T.
[Phương pháp và kinh nghiệm nghiên cứu đánh giá biến đổi khí hậu trong ngành thủy sản (Methods and experiences in climate change research and assessments in fisheries and aquaculture)]
Phương pháp và kinh nghiệm nghiên cứu đánh giá biến đổi khí hậu trong ngành thủy sản (Methods and experiences in climate change research and assessments in fisheries and aquaculture)
‘Seeds for Needs’ is a global initiative led by Bioversity International in 11 countries throughout Africa, the Americas and Asia Pacific. The aim is to build more resilient and adaptable farming and seed systems by exposing farmers to more crop varieties, increasing their first-hand knowledge of...
Jones, Peter G.
Díaz, William
Cock, James H.
[Homologue: A computer system for identifying similar environments through the tropical world, versión Beta a.0 [CD-ROM]]
Homologue: A computer system for identifying similar environments through the tropical world, versión Beta a.0 [CD-ROM]
This publication presents a synthesis of methods and lessons learnt in the implementation of the Integrated Agricultural Research for Development (IAR4D) concept within the Sub-Saharan Africa Challenge Program (SSA CP). It relates lessons learnt and impact gained from the program between 2005 to ...
Adewale, A.A.
Pluwole FA
Buruchara, Robin A.
Nyamwaro, Sospeter S.
[Integrated agricultural research for development ...from concept to practice]
Integrated agricultural research for development ...from concept to practice