L’agriculture dans la région des Grands Lacs a longtemps pâti de l’insécurité, de la dégradation de l’environnement et du manque d’investissement. La plupart des Congolais, Burundais et Rwandais sont démunis de tout et l’insécurité alimentaire y règne en maitre. Il était primordial de mettre en p...
Contains a recently conducted study on incentives and disincentives for the participation of Peru in the Multilateral System of the Treaty, describes the demand, exchange and use of plant genetic resources in Peru. The study also identifies opportunities for Peru resulting from the exchange of th...
Lapeña, I.
López, I.
Sigueñas, M.
Ramírez, M.
[Incentivos y desincentivos para la participación del Perú en el sistema multilateral del tratado internacional sobre recursos fitogenéticos para la alimentación y la agricultura]
Incentivos y desincentivos para la participación del Perú en el sistema multilateral del tratado internacional sobre recursos fitogenéticos para la alimentación y la agricultura
Jethobudho is an aromatic rice landrace of the Pokhara valley in middle hills of Nepal. Although local consumers are willing to pay a high price for its purchase, the landrace has a problem with quality variation. Decentralized participatory population improvement for specific market-identified t...
Gyaw, S.
Sthapit, B.R.
Bhandari, B.
Bajracharya, J.
Shrestha, P.K.
Upadhyay, M.P.
Jarvis, Devra I.
[Participatory crop improvement and formal release of Jethobudho rice landrace in Nepal]
Participatory crop improvement and formal release of Jethobudho rice landrace in Nepal
Geneflow is an annual magazine that contributes to promoting awareness of the importance of the Earth's agricultural biodiversity and the role it plays in improving people's lives and livelihoods. It is produced by Bioversity International, but carries stories from all around the globe, from a wi...
Ensuring an adequate food supply in systems that protect environmental quality and conserve natural resources requires productive and resource-efficient cropping systems on existing farmland. Meeting this challenge will be difficult without a robust spatial framework that facilitates rapid evalua...
Edreira, J.I.R.
Cassman, Kenneth G.
Hochman, Z.
Ittersum, Martin K. van
Bussel, Lenny G. J. van
Claessens, Lieven
Grassini, P.
[Beyond the plot: technology extrapolation domains for scaling out agronomic science]
Beyond the plot: technology extrapolation domains for scaling out agronomic science
La Mesa Técnica Agroclimática (MTA) es un proceso de diálogo entre una diversidad de actores locales incluyendo científicos, técnicos, representantes del sector público, privado y agricultores que busca comprender el posible comportamiento del clima en una localidad y generar recomendaciones para...
The Local Technical Agroclimatic Committees (LTACs) are process of dialogue between a diversity of local actors, that include researchers, techniques, representatives of the public and private sector and farmers that seek to understand the possible climate behavior in a territory and the recommen...
The various ways in which livestock production systems can be incorporated into economic, partial-equilibrium, multi-market models are presented, and the challenges outlined. A particular focus and illustrative case is livestock feed. Foremost among the challenges is the reconciliation of scienti...
Msangi, Siwa
Enahoro, Dolapo K.
Herrero, Mario T.
Magnan, Nicholas
Havlík, Petr
Notenbaert, An Maria Omer
Nelgen, Signe
[Integrating livestock feeds and production systems into agricultural multi-market models: The example of IMPACT]
Integrating livestock feeds and production systems into agricultural multi-market models: The example of IMPACT
A field experiment was undertaken to evaluate the effect of conservation agriculture (CA) based management on soil biological properties, and on fungal diversity and abundance after 5 years of continuous cultivation. Treatments included four crop managements viz., conventional tillage (CT) rice-w...
Choudhary, Madhu
Sharma, Parbodh C
Jat, Hanuman S.
McDonald, Andrew
Jat, Mangi Lal
Choudhary, Sharda
Garg, Neelam
[Soil biological properties and fungal diversity under conservation agriculture in Indo-Gangetic Plains of India]
Soil biological properties and fungal diversity under conservation agriculture in Indo-Gangetic Plains of India