Key Messages
• A governance approach, combining public policy and private initiatives was effective in slowing down deforestation, but
was unable to support a transition to more sustainable production systems.
• New technical intensification models must be identified for low-productivity systems...
Pacheco, Pablo
Piketty, Marie-Gabrielle
Poccard-Chapuis, Rene
García Drigo, Isabel
El Husny, Jamil Chaar
Gomes, Mario
Tourrand, Jean François
[Beyond zero deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon Progress and remaining challenges to sustainable cattle intensification]
Beyond zero deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon Progress and remaining challenges to sustainable cattle intensification
In Colombia, livestock growth appears to be not only inevitable but also desirable for the economy, jobs, and nutrition (FCRN, 2017), grazing systems are now being re-designed to conciliate production with environmental management and improve overall
efficiency (Carvalho, 2013). Intensification o...
Marin, Alejandra
Baldissera, Tiago C.
Pinto, Cassiano
Garagorry, Fabio
Zubieta, Angel
Giraldo, Luis
Chirinda, Ngonidzashe
Arango, Jacobo
Carvalho, Paulo
[Grazing management innovation as a strategy to improve animal production and reduce GHG emissions]
Grazing management innovation as a strategy to improve animal production and reduce GHG emissions
En Colombia, Debido a que el crecimiento del sector ganadero parece no solo inevitable sino también deseable para la economía, el empleo y la alimentación (FCRN, 2017), los sistemas de pastoreo están ahora siendo rediseñados para conciliar la producción con el manejo ambiental y así mejorar su ef...
Marin, Alejandra
Baldissera, Tiago C.
Pinto, Cassiano
Garagorry, Fabio
Zubieta, Angel
Giraldo, Luis
Chirinda, Ngonidzashe
Arango, Jacobo
Carvalho, Paulo
[Una innovación en el manejo del pastoreo como estrategia para mejorar la producción animal y reducir las emisiones de GEI]
Una innovación en el manejo del pastoreo como estrategia para mejorar la producción animal y reducir las emisiones de GEI
Kiara, Henry K.
Steinaa, Lucilla
Svitek, Nicholas
Schieck, Elise G.
Toye, Philip G.
[Access to livestock health interventions and products in dairy and cattle value chains in Tanzania]
Access to livestock health interventions and products in dairy and cattle value chains in Tanzania
Mtimet, Nadhem
Mamba, T.
Hendrickx, Saskia C.J.
[Analysing cattle production and marketing activities among smallholders in Swaziland]
Analysing cattle production and marketing activities among smallholders in Swaziland
Trypanosomosis, a cattle disease transmitted by the tsetse fly, is a major constraint to increased meat and milk production and rural incomes in mixed crop-livestock systems of more humid areas of sub-Saharan Africa. Trypanosomosis affects roughly 10 million square kilometres in 37 African countr...
Itty, P.
[Profitability, efficiency and comparative advantage of African cattle meat and milk production: The case of trypanotolerant village cattle production]
Profitability, efficiency and comparative advantage of African cattle meat and milk production: The case of trypanotolerant village cattle production
International Livestock Research Institute
[Protecting Africa’s cattle with a live vaccine: An East Coast fever impact narrative]
Protecting Africa’s cattle with a live vaccine: An East Coast fever impact narrative