The research consisted of selecting two different schools. The two of them
recognized as one Private and Subsidized; both located in Santiago the Chile.
This study was looking forward to gather information and results of the
implementation of a methodology called "Student-Centered Approach." This...
Coello, Lucía
D'ardaillon, Michelle
Díaz, Valentina
León, Ingar
Roca, Natalia
Sinclair, María Eugenia
[Teaching EFL by means of a Student-Centered Approach: An experimental Study]
Teaching EFL by means of a Student-Centered Approach: An experimental Study
This quasi-experimental study examined the relationship between
proficiency levels and second language (L2) development enhanced specifically
by interaction between second language learners (henceforth, peer interaction).
This study was designed to promete learning opportunities for students usin...
Este estudio experimental examinó la relación entre la habilidad de
producir un lenguaje y el desarrollo de una segunda lengua. El presente estudio
se diseñó para resaltar las oportunidades de aprendizaje de los estudiantes en
relación a la interacción grupal e investigar si el nivel de la habili...
Poblete M., María José
Silva H., Alfonso
Viveros G., Paula
Zacarías A., Nicole
[The effects of proficiency on peer interaction patterns and L2 development in the Chilean EFL context: Multiple theoretical perspective]
The effects of proficiency on peer interaction patterns and L2 development in the Chilean EFL context: Multiple theoretical perspective
This qualitative case study is based on the perceptions that three Chilean students from an English teaching program of a private university have about their former and current English teachers (Native and Non-Native). To explore their beliefs, semi-structured interviews were conducted. The resea...
Este estudio de caso cualitativo está basado en las percepciones que tienen tres estudiantes chilenos acerca de sus profesores. Para explorarlas, se realizaron entrevistas semi-estructuradas. El estudio fue inspirado por la falta de estudios previos en el contexto chileno, para así llenar el espa...
Rodríguez Lazcano, Stephanie Alejandra.
[What accent do the they prefer? sudents' perceptions towards their native and non-native teachers]
What accent do the they prefer? sudents' perceptions towards their native and non-native teachers
This thesis explores the design and implementation of a critical action
research , undertaken to show how motivation and practice with authentic material
can help students reduce anxiety and acquire better results while facing the
English SIMCE test. The study applied consisted on three cycles of...
Espinoza, María Alejandra
Fica, Marian
Fuentes, Ivonne
Fulle, Camila
Vargas, Javiera
San Martín, Camila
[Is motivation the key for the English SIMCE examination improvement? : The impact of motivation in students' attitudes and progress by implementing authentic materials of the listening KET test of receptive abilities through a motivational approach]
Is motivation the key for the English SIMCE examination improvement? : The impact of motivation in students' attitudes and progress by implementing authentic materials of the listening KET test of receptive abilities through a motivational approach
During the last years, teaching English as a foreign language has been playing and important role in Chilean society. Even though it has been more than a decade of teaching English as a foreign language, it was within the last five years that the government decided to pay attention as it deserves...
Hevia S., Monserrat
Letelier P., Virna
Molina B., Héctor
Salinas Z., Cristel
Zúñiga A., Juan
[A student centered approach: The use of multimedia to teach grammar to a seventh grade at a State-Owned School]
A student centered approach: The use of multimedia to teach grammar to a seventh grade at a State-Owned School
This thesis project examines the impact of implementing a mentorship on a
group of Contador Auditor (from now on Accounting) students that belong to the
English General Program at a priva te university. These students ha ve different
problems in terms of their development of the four English lang...
Este proyecto de tesis examina el impacto de implementar una mentoría en
un grupo de alumnos de Contador Auditor que pertenecen al programa de inglés
general de una universidad privada. Estos alumnos poseen diferentes problemas
en términos del manejo de las cuatro principales habilidades del idio...
Antezana, Alejandro
Parada, Carlos
Mejías, Ignacio
Soto, Gerardo
[Implementation of a mentorship on the english communicative performance within a group of accounting students belonging to the english general program at a private university]
Implementation of a mentorship on the english communicative performance within a group of accounting students belonging to the english general program at a private university
The present study describes the process of the application of two different
Classroom Management techniques in seventh graders. These techniques were
chosen according to the students' needs considering the school's context and
the classroom environments. Through this study, it is aimed to help te...
El siguiente estudio describe el proceso de la aplicación de dos diferentes
técnicas de manejo de curso en alumnos de séptimo grado. Estas técnicas
fueron escogidas de acuerdo a las necesidades de los alumnos considerando el
contexto de la escuela y el ambiente de las salas de clases. A través de...
Buitrago, Andrés
Hsieh, Tzu huei
Muñoz, Bárbara
Pezoa, Pablo
Ríos, Trinidad
[How classroom management techniques improve students' attitude towards learning english in an EFL chilean state run school]
How classroom management techniques improve students' attitude towards learning english in an EFL chilean state run school
The growing interest in Cornrnunicative Language Teaching has placed speaking as a
relevant skill. Oral skills - both speaking and listening - are at the very foundation of
literacy. Classroom talk helps students learn, reflect on what they are learning, and
communicate their knowledge and unders...
Carvallo Torres, Ana María
Montenegro Balbontin, Fernando
[The effect that self-esteem, academic self-concept and willingness to communicate in English have on oral production in Chilean non-major English freshmen university students]
The effect that self-esteem, academic self-concept and willingness to communicate in English have on oral production in Chilean non-major English freshmen university students
Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar los efectos de una metodología de Foco en
Forma en la producción escrita de una postal realizada por estudiantes adultos.
La información fue obtenida de estudiantes universitarios de segundo año cursando
la carrera de ingeniería. Estos estudiantes pertenec...
This study aimed at analyzing the effects of a Focus on Form methodology over adult
students' written production of a postcard. The data was collected from second year
university students enrolled in an engineering program. These students belonged to
level A2 according to the Common European Fram...
Naudy Cortés, Patricia Solange
[Effects of a focus on form methodology over adult student's written production]
Effects of a focus on form methodology over adult student's written production
Al reconocer y considerar que la calidad de las prácticas pedagógicas ejercidas por los docentes ejercen una poderosa influencia en los resultados relativos al rendimiento académico de sus estudiantes, la presente investigación se desarrolló con la intencionalidad de conocer el cómo se aborda el ...
Castillo Romero, Evelyn
Díaz Alviña, Daisy
[Adecuaciones curriculares aplicadas en estudiantes de 8° año de enseñanza básica con NEE en la asignatura inglés del Colegio Particular Subvencionado "Teresita de Lisieux" de la comuna de Valparaíso]
Adecuaciones curriculares aplicadas en estudiantes de 8° año de enseñanza básica con NEE en la asignatura inglés del Colegio Particular Subvencionado "Teresita de Lisieux" de la comuna de Valparaíso