Species composition and turnover in a series of' permanent sample plots established during the 1930s and 1940s in Budongo, a semi-deciduous Ugandan forest, are reported. The plots were established as part of' a sequence first used to describe forest succession, five of' which have been maintained...
Sheil, Douglas
Jennings, S.
Savill, P.
[Long-term permanent plot observations of vegetation dynamics in Budongo, a Ugandan rain forest]
Long-term permanent plot observations of vegetation dynamics in Budongo, a Ugandan rain forest
Community managed forest systems embody a considerable portion of the wisdom, knowledge, and practical skills and management necessary for the sustainability of forest resources globally. These systems, however, are under threat in many ways, including from the rapid rate of change of their polit...
Ritchie, B.
McDougall, C.
Haggith, M.
Burford de Oliveira, N.
[Criterios e indicadores de sustentabilidade em florestas manejadas por comunidades]
Criterios e indicadores de sustentabilidade em florestas manejadas por comunidades
The paper examines the implications of using criteria and indicators for sustainable management as tools for policy feedback in the context of India's forests. It explores some of the theoretical underpinnings of developing and implementing policy in the face of complexity and establishes a role ...
Prabhu, R.
[Need for criteria and indicators for SFM as a means of monitoring the compliance of the national forest policy in India]
Need for criteria and indicators for SFM as a means of monitoring the compliance of the national forest policy in India
Community managed forest systems embody a considerable portion of the wisdom, knowledge, and practical skills and management necessary for the sustainability of forest resources globally. These systems, however, are under threat in many ways, including from the rapid rate of change of their polit...
Ritchie, B.
McDougall, C.
Haggith, M.
Burford de Oliveira, N.
[Criteres et indicateurs de durabilite dans les paysages forestiers geres par les communautes: guide introductif]
Criteres et indicateurs de durabilite dans les paysages forestiers geres par les communautes: guide introductif
Twenty four permanents sample plots (PSPs), of one ha each have been randomly set up to be a long term monitoring in the hill mixed dipterocarps forest in the Bulungan Research Forest, East Kalimantan. All trees (DBH=20cm) were measured and indentified. In this study area, reduced-impact logging ...
Priyadi, H.
Kartawinata, K.
Sheil, Douglas
Sist, P.
[Monitoring permanent sample plots (PSPs) after conventional and reduced-impact logging in the Bulungan research forest, East Kalimantan, Indonesia]
Monitoring permanent sample plots (PSPs) after conventional and reduced-impact logging in the Bulungan research forest, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Murdiyarso, Daniel
Skutsch, M.
Guariguata, M.R.
Kanninen, M.
Luttrell, C.
Verweij, P.
Martins, O.S.
[How do we measure and monitor forest degradation?]
How do we measure and monitor forest degradation?
Over the last 20 years, transfer of the management of natural resources to local populations has been a major trend in the tropics. Many of these initiatives today incorporate the development of monitoring systems based on Criteria and Indicators (C&I), used to gauge environmental, socio-economic...
García, C.A.
Lescuyer, G.
[Monitoring, indicators and community based forest management in the tropics: pretexts or red herrings?]
Monitoring, indicators and community based forest management in the tropics: pretexts or red herrings?
This manual is intended to serve as reference for forest professionals and practitioners in the planning, execution and evaluation of forest management techniques and practices contributing to the sustainability of the resource and the activity as a commercial operation. The document covers basic...
Sabogal, C.
Carrera, F.
Colan, V.
Pokorny, B.
Louman, B.
[Manual para la planificacion y evaluacion del manejo forestal operacional en bosques de la Amazonia Peruana]
Manual para la planificacion y evaluacion del manejo forestal operacional en bosques de la Amazonia Peruana
Mathematical proofs show that rate estimates, for example of mortality and recruitment, will decrease with increasing census interval when obtained from censuses of non-homogeneous populations. This census interval effect could be confounding or perhaps even driving conclusions from comparative s...
Lewis, S.L.
Phillips, O.L.
Sheil, Douglas
Vinceti, B.
Baker, T.R.
Brown, S.
Graham, A.W.
Higuchi, N.
Hilbert, D.W.
Laurance, W.F.
Lejoly, J.
Malhi, Y.
Monteagudo, A.
Vargas, P. NÚÑEz
Sonke, B.
Terborgh, J.W.
Martínez, R.V.
[Tropical forest tree mortality, recruitment and turnover rates: calculation, interpretation and comparison when census intervals vary]
Tropical forest tree mortality, recruitment and turnover rates: calculation, interpretation and comparison when census intervals vary
The manual reflects the results of a 3-year participatory learning process that comprised many meetings, workshops, village case studies, a baseline survey of 20 poor villages, two monitoring trials in another 20 villages, and a full monitoring survey of all 223 villages in Kutai Barat. The princ...
Cahyat, A.
Gonner, C.
Haug, M.
[Assessing household poverty and wellbeing: a manual with examples from Kutai Barat, Indonesia]
Assessing household poverty and wellbeing: a manual with examples from Kutai Barat, Indonesia