In an effort to improve rural farmer’s livelihood, many initiatives have been initiated in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) to link cassava farmers to markets. Several models have been used including use of leading entrepreneurs, targeting farmers’ associations/groups, conducting industrial tests to sens...
Mahungu, N.M.
Jumbo, S.
Sandifolo, V.
Howard, D.
Mhone, A.
Nthonyiwa, A.
Rusike, J.
[Linking farmers to markets: opportunities and challenges for cassava farmers in Malawi]
Linking farmers to markets: opportunities and challenges for cassava farmers in Malawi
South and Southeast Asia is the center of origin for many tropical fruit crops. This region is a prime habitat for in situ conservation of genetic diversity of long-lived, largely out-crossing wild/domesticated Tropical Fruit Tree (TFT) species. Wild TFT species in 36 project sites throughout Ind...
Sthapit, B.R.
Vasudeva, R.
Idris, S.
Changtragoon, S.
Roongrattanakul, P.
Limpiyaprapant, S.
Winarno, W.
Ramanatha Rao, V.
[Harnessing the diversity of wild relatives of tropical fruit tree species for sustainable livelihoods]
Harnessing the diversity of wild relatives of tropical fruit tree species for sustainable livelihoods
Ajeigbe, Hakeem A.
[Recommended seed processing and storage practices for legumes and cereals]
Recommended seed processing and storage practices for legumes and cereals
O'Connor, C.B.
Tessema, A.
[The quality of butter and cheese sold in rural markets in Ethiopia]
The quality of butter and cheese sold in rural markets in Ethiopia
This study developed and employed a socio-economic-ecological-modeling (SEEM) framework in its analyses. The SEEM is made up of four resource use domains of highlow population density and highlow access to market and two agro-ecologies in the savanna of Nigeria. Data used comprises a sample of 32...
Olayide, O.
Alene, A.
Ikpi, A.
Nziguheba, Generose
[Population density and distance to market does not influence the farmers use of organic manure.]
Population density and distance to market does not influence the farmers use of organic manure.
A pesar de que cada vez se utilizan más los enfoques de sistemas de innovación y desarrollo de cadenas de valor para estimular el aumento de los ingresos rurales, la reducción de la pobreza y una mayor equidad de género, todavía son escasos los conocimientos sistemáticos sobre cómo poner en funci...
Devaux, A.
Velasco, C.
Ordinola, M.
[Desde los Andes a Africa y Asia: Vinculando pequeños productores a cadenas de valor.]
Desde los Andes a Africa y Asia: Vinculando pequeños productores a cadenas de valor.
La maca (Lepidium meyenii) es una raíz andina a la cual se le atribuyen propiedades energéticas y estimulantes. En los últimos años el interés de mercados asiáticos dio lugar al “boom de la maca”, incrementando los precios y provocando la rápida conversión de pastizales altoandinos en tierras de ...
Turin, C.
Carbajal, M.
Zorogastua, P.
Chamorro, A.
[El boom de la maca, transformando paisajes y sociedades rurales de la zona altoandina.]
El boom de la maca, transformando paisajes y sociedades rurales de la zona altoandina.
Negassa, A.
Jabbar, M.A.
[Enhancing Ethiopia’s livestock producers’ access to live animals and meat export markets: a review of concepts and approaches of value chain analysis]
Enhancing Ethiopia’s livestock producers’ access to live animals and meat export markets: a review of concepts and approaches of value chain analysis