A field study of cowpea, soybean and maize was made at Ibadan, Nigeria, to determine the uptake of mineral nutrients and quantities removed in crop residues and seed. Concentrations of N, the major cations (K, Ca, Mg and Na) and major anions (P, S and Cl), and the micronutrients (Fe, Mn, Zn and C...
Randall, P.J.
Abaidoo, R.C.
Hocking, PJ
Sanginga, Nteranya
[Mineral nutrient uptake and removal by cowpea, soybean and maize cultivars in West Africa, and implications for carbon cycle effects on soil acidification]
Mineral nutrient uptake and removal by cowpea, soybean and maize cultivars in West Africa, and implications for carbon cycle effects on soil acidification
In most parts of West Africa, poverty contributes immensely to poor fertilizer adoption by smallholder farmers. Fertilizer adoption could be improved with micro-dosing technology. A socio-economic survey was conducted in the semi-deciduous forest zone of Ghana to assess the extent of fertilizer u...
Okebalama, C.B.
Safo, E.Y.
Yeboah, E.
Abaidoo, R.C.
Logah, V.
[Fertilizer use and management practices among maize and cowpea smallholder farmers in Ghana]
Fertilizer use and management practices among maize and cowpea smallholder farmers in Ghana
Smallholder farmers in the Guinea savanna practise cereal-legume intercropping to mitigate risks of crop failure in mono-cropping. The productivity of cereal-legume intercrops could be influenced by the spatial arrangement of the intercrops and the soil fertility status. Knowledge on the effect o...
Kermah, M.
Franke, A.C.
Adjei-Nsiah, Samuel
Ahiabor, B.D.K.
Abaidoo, R.C.
Giller, Ken E.
[Maize-grain legume intercropping for enhanced resource use efficiency and crop productivity in the Guinea savanna of northern Ghana]
Maize-grain legume intercropping for enhanced resource use efficiency and crop productivity in the Guinea savanna of northern Ghana
Soybean is a relatively new crop to most African smallholder farming communities. Cultivation is expanding rapidly because of its perceived potential to enhance soil fertility through biological nitrogen fixation and its source as food and cash. High N2, fixation in promiscuous soybean genotypes ...
Le soia qui est relativement une nou,relle spdculation pour la plupartdes communautes des petits expioitants d'Afrique, se d6velopperapidernent il cause de son potentiel connu d'augmentation de lafertilit€ des sols par la fixation biologique d'azote, dans l'alimentationet comme culture de rente. ...
Abaidoo, R.C.
Sanginga, Nteranya
Okogun, J.A.
Kolawole, G.O.
Tossah, B.K.
Diels, J.
[Genotypic variation of soybean for phosphorus use efficiency and their contribution of N and P to subsequent maize crops in three ecological zones of West Africa]
Genotypic variation of soybean for phosphorus use efficiency and their contribution of N and P to subsequent maize crops in three ecological zones of West Africa
Field data have suggested that under P-deficient conditions, legumes supplied with phosphate rock (PR) increase P acquisition by a subsequent maize crop compared to direct application of PR to maize. This study assessed the mechanism of this positive rotational effect in terms of soil P availabil...
Pypers, Pieter
Huybrighs, M.
Diels, J.
Abaidoo, R.C.
Smolders, E.
Merckx, R.
[Does the enhanced P acquisition by maize following legumes in a rotation result from improved soil P availability?]
Does the enhanced P acquisition by maize following legumes in a rotation result from improved soil P availability?
Information on the inter- and intra-specific variability in the acquisition and utilization of phosphorus (P) by promiscuous soybean genotypes under low-P conditions can be helpful in the short-term management of soil P availability. Thirteen promiscuous soybean genotypes were evaluated in a low-...
Nwoke, O.C.
Okogun, JA
Sanginga, Nteranya
Diels, J.
Abaidoo, R.C.
Osonubi, O.
[Phosphate rock utilization by soybean genotypes on a low-P savanna soil and the status of soil P fractions after a subsequent maize crop]
Phosphate rock utilization by soybean genotypes on a low-P savanna soil and the status of soil P fractions after a subsequent maize crop
Soil nutrient constraints coupled with erratic rainfall have led to poor crop yields and occasionally to crop failure in sole cropping in the Guinea savanna of West Africa. We explored different maize-grain legume diversification and intensification options that can contribute to mitigating risks...
Kermah, M.
Franke, A.C.
Ahiabor, B.D.K.
Adjei-Nsiah, Samuel
Abaidoo, R.C.
Giller, Ken E.
[Legume-maize rotation or relay? Options for ecological intensification of smallholder farms in the Guinea Savanna of northern Ghana]
Legume-maize rotation or relay? Options for ecological intensification of smallholder farms in the Guinea Savanna of northern Ghana
We conducted field experiments over 2 years on two acid soils of southern Cameroon to test whether efficient uptake and use of phosphorus (P) from less available sources by grain legume genotypes could benefit subsequent rotational maize. We grew two crops each year. For the first crop we grew 4 ...
Jemo, M.
Abaidoo, R.C.
Nolte, C
Tchienkoua, M
Sanginga, Nteranya
Horst, Walter J.
[Phosphorus benefits from grain-legume crops to subsequent maize grown on acid soils of southern Cameroon]
Phosphorus benefits from grain-legume crops to subsequent maize grown on acid soils of southern Cameroon
There are several indications that legumes are capable of accessing sparingly soluble phosphorus (P) in the soil through root-induced processes. We hypothesize that this plant-induced mobilization of P can be demonstrated if the plant accessible P assessed by isotopic dilution ( L-value ) exceeds...
Pypers, Pieter
Loon, L. van
Diels, J.
Abaidoo, R.C.
Smolders, E
Merckx, R.
[Plant-available P for maize and cowpea in P-deficient soils from the Nigerian Northern Guinea savanna : Comparison of E- and L-values]
Plant-available P for maize and cowpea in P-deficient soils from the Nigerian Northern Guinea savanna : Comparison of E- and L-values
Two crop rotation cycles were evaluated to determine the effect of cropping systems and N
fertilization on the yield and efficiency of N in maize. Maize was grown on plots which had previously
supported monocrops of two genotypes each of soybean (TGx 1448-2E and SAMSOY-2) and cowpea
(IT 96D-724 a...
Yusuf, A.A.
Iwuafor, E.N.O.
Abaidoo, R.C.
Olufajo, O.O.
Sanginga, Nteranya
[Effect of crop rotation and nitrogen fertilization on yield and nitrogen efficiency in maize in the northern Guinea savanna of Nigeria]
Effect of crop rotation and nitrogen fertilization on yield and nitrogen efficiency in maize in the northern Guinea savanna of Nigeria