Projected increases in irrigation water demand required to feed India's population have been a significant component of the justification for the ambitious and highly contentious India's National River Linking Project (NRLP), which, in its ultimate form, seeks to transfer water from relatively wa...
Amarasinghe, Upali A.
McCornick, Peter G.
Shah, Tushaar
[Projections of irrigation water demand in India: what do recent trends suggest?]
Projections of irrigation water demand in India: what do recent trends suggest?
The Indus and Ganges river basins (collectively called the Indus-Ganges Basin) in South Asia covers 2.20 million km2 and is inhabited by a population of more than a billion people, many living in poverty with livelihoods based on waterdependent agriculture. The northwestern Indus basin is highly ...
Sharma, Bharat R.
Amarasinghe, Upali A.
Xueliang Cai
Scott, Christopher A.
[Water resources, water productivity, and poverty in the Indus-Ganges River Basin]
Water resources, water productivity, and poverty in the Indus-Ganges River Basin
Fraiture, Charlotte de
Molden, David J.
Amarasinghe, Upali A.
Makin, Ian W.
[Podium: Projecting water supply and demand for food production in 2025]
Podium: Projecting water supply and demand for food production in 2025
Barker, Randolph
Scott, Christopher A.
Fraiture, Charlotte de
Amarasinghe, Upali A.
[Global water shortages and the challenge facing Mexico]
Global water shortages and the challenge facing Mexico
Fraiture, Charlotte de
Molden, David J.
Amarasinghe, Upali A.
Makin, Ian W.
[Podium: Projecting water supply and demand for food production in 2025]
Podium: Projecting water supply and demand for food production in 2025
Water use and landholding factors are widely acknowledged as major determinants of agricultural development in agrarian regions of the Indo-Gangetic basin (IGB). High attention is mainly given to irrigation policy while land is often apprehended through soil productivity aspects. However, the nex...
Xenarios, Stefanos
Sharma, Bharat R.
Amarasinghe, Upali A.
[Economic effects of water use and landholding scale to farming in South Asia: evidences from Indo-Gangetic basin]
Economic effects of water use and landholding scale to farming in South Asia: evidences from Indo-Gangetic basin
Agricultural water use in agrarian economies is often state subsidized for the enhancement of agricultural productivity while poverty alleviation is also targeted. The Indian agricultural dependent states offer representative examples of undervalued irrigation services mainly sourced by canal net...
Xenarios, Stefanos
Amarasinghe, Upali A.
Sharma, Bharat R.
[Valuating agricultural water use and ecological services in agrarian economies: evidences from eastern India]
Valuating agricultural water use and ecological services in agrarian economies: evidences from eastern India
Murray-Rust, Hammond
Sakthivadivel, Ramaswamy
Amarasinghe, Upali A.
[Impact assessment of organizing farmers in the Gal Oya Left Bank Irrigation Scheme, Sri Lanka]
Impact assessment of organizing farmers in the Gal Oya Left Bank Irrigation Scheme, Sri Lanka
Amarasinghe, Upali A.
Bhaduri, Anik
Singh, O.P.
Anand, B.K.
[Managing the unreliability of canal water: case study of diggies in Rajasthan]
Managing the unreliability of canal water: case study of diggies in Rajasthan