The Diffusion of Improved Varieties in Africa (DIIVA) is a cross-center CGIAR project that has been developed to attain a wider understanding of the impact of food-crop genetic research in priority country-by-commodity combinations in Sub-Saharan Africa.
One of its objectives is to develop a comp...
Muthoni Andriatsitohaina, Rachel
Ongom, Bonny
Muwanika, Roland
Farrow, Andrew
Andrade, Robert
[Harnessing the expert knowledge within PABRA: tracking diffusion of improved varieties]
Harnessing the expert knowledge within PABRA: tracking diffusion of improved varieties
Introduction. The Colombian Altillanura is going through a process of transformation, marked by the expansion of its agricultural border. In the region, it is being implemented a research agenda that seeks to develop and validate promising technologies for the improvement of productivity and sust...
Marin Salazar, Diego Armando
Andrade, Robert
Labarta, Ricardo
Vásquez Urriago, Ángela Rocío
Caicedo Guerrero, Samuel
[Evaluación ex-ante del impacto del genotipo de arroz L23 en la Altillanura plana colombiana = Ex-ante impact evaluation of the L23 rice genotype on the colombian Altillanura plains]
Evaluación ex-ante del impacto del genotipo de arroz L23 en la Altillanura plana colombiana = Ex-ante impact evaluation of the L23 rice genotype on the colombian Altillanura plains
This dataset provides a description of rice growers collected in Ecuador between October 2014 and March 2015. The survey was implemented using a structured questionnaire administered among 1,028 households in the main rice production areas of Ecuador. Information collected was provided by househo...
Labarta, R.A.
Orrego, Mayra
Marin, Diego
García, María Alejandra
Twyman, Jennifer
Andrade, Robert
Yanez, Fernando
Mendoza, Luis
[Adoption of improved modern rice varieties and management practices in Ecuador]
Adoption of improved modern rice varieties and management practices in Ecuador