Researchers have long argued that improved livestock technologies and intensification will reduce the pressure on Latin America's forests. This article combines economic theory with insights from seven case studies to examine under what conditions technological change will reduce (or increase) fo...
Kaimowitz, D.
Angelsen, A.
[Will livestock intensification help save Latin America's tropical forest?]
Will livestock intensification help save Latin America's tropical forest?
This paper analysis the effects of technological change in agriculture on forest clearing by households in developing countries. The possible effects are found to be many and diverse, depending on the type of change and the institutional context. It concludes that agricultural intensification is ...
Soest, D.P. van
Bulte, E.H.
Angelsen, A.
Kooten, G.C. van
[Technological change and tropical deforestation: a perspective at the household level]
Technological change and tropical deforestation: a perspective at the household level
Developing countries participating in the mitigation mechanism of reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks (REDD+), need to determine a national forest reference emission le...
Romijn E
Ainembabazi, John H.
Wijaya, A.
Herold, Martin
Angelsen, A.
Verchot, Louis V.
Murdiyarso, Daniel
[Exploring different forest definitions and their impact on developing REDD+ reference emission levels: A case study for Indonesia]
Exploring different forest definitions and their impact on developing REDD+ reference emission levels: A case study for Indonesia
This paper examines the causes of agricultural land expansion and deforetstion in Tanzania. In the theoretical section, two different -- and partly contradicting -- sets of hypotheses are outlined. These are based on a subsistence approach, emphasising the food or income requirements of farm hous...
Angelsen, A.
Shitindi, E.F.K.
Aarrestad, Johnstein
[Why do farmers expand their land into forests?: theories and evidence form Tanzania]
Why do farmers expand their land into forests?: theories and evidence form Tanzania