Identification of early-maturing maize inbred lines based on multiple traits under drought and low N environments for hybrid development and population improvement. Can. J. Plant Sci. 91: 931942. Drought and low nitrogen stresses are major limiting factors to maize (Zea mays L.) production and pr...
Badu-Apraku, B.
Akinwale, R.
[Identification of early-maturing maize inbred lines based on multiple traits under drought and low N environments for hybrid development and population improvement]
Identification of early-maturing maize inbred lines based on multiple traits under drought and low N environments for hybrid development and population improvement
Maize (Zea mays L.) is a major staple crop in West and Central Africa (WCA) but production is constrained by Striga hermonthica parasitism and recurrent drought in the savannas where maize yield potential is highest due to low night temperatures, high solar radiation and low incidence of diseases...
Badu-Apraku, B.
Oyekunle, M.
[Genetic analysis of grain yield and other traits of extraearly yellow maize inbreds and hybrid performance under contrasting environments]
Genetic analysis of grain yield and other traits of extraearly yellow maize inbreds and hybrid performance under contrasting environments
Badu-Apraku, B.
Fakorede, M.A.B.
Menkir, A.
Sanogo, D.
[Conduct and management of maize field trials]
Conduct and management of maize field trials
Maize (Zea mays L) research at the Institute for Agricultural Research (IAR), Samaru was initiated in the 1950s with the goal of developing adapted high yielding varieties and hybrids. Germplasm materials were collected from local sources as well as from different countries, including Columbia, K...
La recherche sur le mais i Samaru a ete initi€e dans les ann6es 50avec le proiet d'am6lioration varietale centre sur le d6veloppementd'hybrides et de vari6tes adapt€s b hauts rendements' Les ressourcesg6n6tiques comprenaient du matdriel de source locale ainsi que desintroductions de diff6rents pa...
TA-WECAMAN ont et6 honrologu6es et vulgarisdes auprdsdes agriculteurs Nig€rians. Recemment, des essais de mais richesen proteines de qualit6 ont 6t€ inities en collaboration avec l'llTA-WECAMAN, SG2000 et le CIMMYT et des resultats prometteursont et6 obtenus. L'institut continue ) cooperer avec l...
Ado, S.
Showemimo, F.
Alabi, S.
Badu-Apraku, B.
Menkir, A.
Usman, I.
Abdullahi, U.S.
[Maize research at IAR Samaru]
Maize research at IAR Samaru
Akinwale, R.O.
Badu-Apraku, B.
Fakorede, M.A.B.
[Evaluation of striga-resistant early maize hybrids and test locations under striga-infested and striga-free environments]
Evaluation of striga-resistant early maize hybrids and test locations under striga-infested and striga-free environments
Badu-Apraku, B.
Fakorede, M.A.B.
Oyekunle, M.
Akinwale, R.
[Breeding striga resistant early and extra-early maize hybrids for West African farmers]
Breeding striga resistant early and extra-early maize hybrids for West African farmers
Fakorede, M.A.B.
Badu-Apraku, B.
[Genetics of Striga resistance in early and extra-early maize populations adapted to the savanna ecology of West Africa]
Genetics of Striga resistance in early and extra-early maize populations adapted to the savanna ecology of West Africa
Availability of multiple-stress tolerant maize is critical for improvement in maize production in West and Central Africa (WCA). A study was carried out to (i) assess a set of inbred lines for combining ability under stressed and optimal conditions, (ii) determine the performance of the testcross...
Annor, B.
Badu-Apraku, B.
Nyadanu, D.
Akromah, R.
Fakorede, M.A.B.
[Testcross performance and combining ability of early maturing maize inbreds under multiple-stress environments]
Testcross performance and combining ability of early maturing maize inbreds under multiple-stress environments
Striga hermonthica is a major constraint to increased maize production and productivity in the savannas of West and Central Africa OVCA. The IITA-WECAMAN Maize Program has developed two extra-early source populations and several extra-early varieties, synthetics and inbred lines with resistance/t...
Striga hermonthica est une contrainte maieure i l'augmentation de laproduction et de la productivite du mais dans les savanes d'AfriqLrede l'ouest et du Centre (AOC). Deux populations sources de maturitdpr6coce et deux autres de maturit6 extra-pr6coce, des synthetiques et des lignees dotdes de re...
Badu-Apraku, B.
Menkir, A.
Lum, A.F.
Fakorede, M.A.B.
Ibikunle, O.
[Recent advances in breeding for Striga resistant extraearly maize for the savannas of West and Central Africa]
Recent advances in breeding for Striga resistant extraearly maize for the savannas of West and Central Africa
Maize researchers in West and Central Africa (WCA) established the West and Central Africa Collaborative Maize Research Network (WECAMAN) in 1987 to tackle maize production constraints too formidable for individual national programs to overcome. The National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS) t...
Fakorede, M.A.B.
Badu-Apraku, B.
Menkir, A.
Ajala, S.O.
Lum, A.F.
[A review of NARES-IARC-Donor collaboration to develop demand-driven technologies for improved maize production in West and Central Africa]
A review of NARES-IARC-Donor collaboration to develop demand-driven technologies for improved maize production in West and Central Africa