En Nicaragua el café ocupa el tercer lugar de la superficie cultivada (11%) y, después del maíz y del frijol, es el rubro agrícola que más contribuye al PIB (10%). El 96% de las fincas cafetaleras están en manos de pequeños productores (menos de 20 manzanas1), los cuales representan un 50% del ár...
Bedmar Villanueva, A.
López Noriega, Isabel
Bucardo, E.
Zonneveld, M. van
[Caficultura y cambio climático en Nicaragua: Refexiones sobre el papel de las políticas públicas y las cooperativas]
Caficultura y cambio climático en Nicaragua: Refexiones sobre el papel de las políticas públicas y las cooperativas
En el marco de un proyecto denominado "Planes de Inversión en Agricultura Sostenible Adaptada al Clima", Bioversity International llevó a cabo un estudio sobre el marco político e institucional que rodea la prodcucción del café por pequeños productores en Nicaragua. Los objetivos del mismo fuero...
Bedmar Villanueva, A.
López Noriega, Isabel
Bucardo, E.
Zonneveld, M. van
[Caficultura y cambio climático en Nicaragua: Reflexiones sobre el papel de las políticas públicas y las cooperativas]
Caficultura y cambio climático en Nicaragua: Reflexiones sobre el papel de las políticas públicas y las cooperativas
En el marco de un proyecto denominado “Planes de Inversión en Agricultura Sostenible Adaptada al Clima” implementado por CEDECO, HIVOS, Bioversity Internacional, el Centro Mundial de Agroforestería (ICRAF) y la Universidad de Vermont, Bioversity International llevó a cabo un estudio sobre el marc...
Bedmar Villanueva, A.
López Noriega, I.
Bucardo, E.
Zonneveld, M. van
[Caficultura y cambio climático en Nicaragua: Refexiones sobre el papel de las políticas públicas y las cooperativas]
Caficultura y cambio climático en Nicaragua: Refexiones sobre el papel de las políticas públicas y las cooperativas
To guide climate adaptation policies and investments, the majority of least developed
countries (LDCs) have developed National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPAs).
Agricultural biodiversity is an important, but often overlooked, element in climate adaptation;
new crop varieties, cropping and ...
Bedmar Villanueva, A.
Halewood, Michael
López Noriega, Isabel
[Agricultural biodiversity in climate change adaptation planning: An analysis of the National Adaptation Programmes of Action]
Agricultural biodiversity in climate change adaptation planning: An analysis of the National Adaptation Programmes of Action
If properly managed, socio-ecological production landscapes and the ecosystem services they provide can contribute to
the well-being of local communities, as well as to the achievement of the global conservation agenda and of other relevant
development policies at the national level. However, man...
Bedmar Villanueva, A.
Morimoto, Y.
Maundu, P.
Jha, Y.
Otieno, G.
Nankya, R.
Ogwal, R.
Leles, B.
Halewood, Michael
[Perceptions of resilience, collective action and natural resources management in socio-ecological production landscapes in East Africa]
Perceptions of resilience, collective action and natural resources management in socio-ecological production landscapes in East Africa
Climate change is one of the biggest threats to food production worldwide. Recently, an increasing number of initiatives have embraced the concept of climate smart agriculture to respond to climate change adaptation and mitigation challenges. A central component of this approach is the use of agr...
In the last 20 years, Bioversity International has coordinated or has been involved in a number of initiatives, projects and activities that contribute to the implementation of Article 6 of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA). In this note, we su...
López Noriega, I.
Bedmar Villanueva, A.
[Bioversity International’s contributions to the implementation of article 6 of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture]
Bioversity International’s contributions to the implementation of article 6 of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
Bedmar Villanueva, A.
Halewood, Michael
López Noriega, Isabel
[Agricultural biodiversity in climate change adaptation planning: an analysis of the National Adaptation Programmes of Action]
Agricultural biodiversity in climate change adaptation planning: an analysis of the National Adaptation Programmes of Action
As part of the Policy Action for Climate Change Adaptation (PACCA) project, this info note summarizes findings of a project activity entitled “Influencing and linking policies and institutions from national to local level for the development and adoption of climate‐resilient food systems in East ...
Bedmar Villanueva, A.
Jha Y
Ogwal-Omara R
Welch, E.
Seyoum Wedajoo A
Halewood, Michael
[Influence of social networks on the adoption of climate smart technologies in East Africa: Findings from two surveys and participatory exercises with farmers and local experts]
Influence of social networks on the adoption of climate smart technologies in East Africa: Findings from two surveys and participatory exercises with farmers and local experts
As part of the “Policy Action for Climate Change Adaptation” (PACCA) project this info note summarizes findings of a project activity entitled “Influencing and linking policies and institutions from national to local level for the development and adoption of climate‐resilient food systems in East...
Bedmar Villanueva, A.
Jha Y
Ogwal-Omara R
Welch, E.
Seyoum Wedajoo A
Halewood, Michael
[Adoption of climate smart technologies in East Africa: Findings from two surveys and participatory exercises with farmers and local experts]
Adoption of climate smart technologies in East Africa: Findings from two surveys and participatory exercises with farmers and local experts