Important aspects involved in the establishment of a breeding program are indicated. The 1st step is to identify production constraints in order to define priorities. Solutions proposed should emphasize the improvement of materials or the adaptation and innovation of agronomic practices; this str...
Se indican algunos aspectos de importancia en el establecimiento de un programa de fitomejoramiento, donde el primer paso es identificar las limitaciones a la productividad en un orden que permita definir prioridades. Asi, se implementan las soluciones enfatizando el mejoramiento de materiales o ...
Beebe, Stephen E.
[La definicion del problema, el objetivo del programa de mejoramiento y planificacion del programa: aspectos claves y errores comunes]
La definicion del problema, el objetivo del programa de mejoramiento y planificacion del programa: aspectos claves y errores comunes
Globally, 800 million people are malnourished. Heavily subsidised farmers in rich countries produce sufficient surplus food to feed the hungry, but not at a price the poor can afford. Even donating the rich world’s surplus to the poor would not solve the problem. Most poor people earn their livin...
Broughton, W.J.
Hernández, G.
Blair, Matthew W.
Beebe, Stephen E.
Gepts, Paul L.
Vanderleyden, J
[Beans (Phaseolus spp.)- model food legumes]
Beans (Phaseolus spp.)- model food legumes
Mukankusi, Clare Mugisha
Raatz, Bodo
Nkalubo, Stanley T.
Berhanu, Fenta
Binagwa, Papias
Kilango, Michael
Williams, Magdalena
Katungi, Enid
Chirwa, Rowland
Beebe, Stephen E.
[Genomics, genetics and breeding of common bean in Africa: A review of tropical legume project]
Genomics, genetics and breeding of common bean in Africa: A review of tropical legume project