Many Countries could experience unprecedented heat stress because of global climate change (Battisti and Naylor,2009). Heat sensitivity in common bean is a major limiting factor that can reduce yield, quality, and lead to restricted geographic adaptation (Beebeetal.,2011). Interspecific lines dev...
Polanía Perdomo, José A.
Chaves, N.
Lobaton, Juan David
Cajiao V., César Hernando
Rao, Idupulapati M.
Raatz, Bodo
Beebe, Stephen E.
[Heat tolerance in common bean derived from interspecific crosses]
Heat tolerance in common bean derived from interspecific crosses
Polanía Perdomo, José A.
Beebe, Stephen E.
Rao, Idupulapati M.
Poschenrieder, C.
Cajiao V., César Hernando
Barrera, S.
Grajales, Miguel A.
Rivera, M.
Barbosa, N.
Melo, E.
Chaves, N.
[Adaptación del frijol común al cambio climático: avances en tolerancia a sequía y calor]
Adaptación del frijol común al cambio climático: avances en tolerancia a sequía y calor
Terminal drought is a worldwide constraint to common bean production and its negative effects will be increased by climate change. The objective of this research was to characterize phenotypically advanced lines and commercial cultivars of common bean for their resistance to terminal drought stre...
Chaves-Barrantes, Néstor Felipe
Polanía Perdomo, José A.
Muñoz Perea, Carlos Germán
Rao, Idupulapati M.
Beebe, Stephen E.
[Caracterización fenotípica por resistencia a sequía terminal de germoplasma de frijol común = Phenotypic characterization of common bean germplasm for resistance to terminal drought]
Caracterización fenotípica por resistencia a sequía terminal de germoplasma de frijol común = Phenotypic characterization of common bean germplasm for resistance to terminal drought
The case for impending climate change is now proven. Governments can decide, by their action or inaction, to what extent the change will occur; the International Agriculture Research Community (IARC) will have no say in this whatsoever. It is up to the IARC to try to maintain objectives in the fa...
Jones, Peter G.
Jarvis, Andy
Hyman, Glenn
Beebe, Stephen E.
Pachico, Douglas H.
[Climate proofing agricultual research investments]
Climate proofing agricultual research investments
Beebe, Stephen E.
Rao, Idupulapati M.
Mukankusi, Clare Mugisha
Buruchara, Robin A.
[Improving resource use efficiency and reducing risk of common bean production in Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean]
Improving resource use efficiency and reducing risk of common bean production in Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean
Drybeans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) are an important subsistence crop in Central America. Future climate change may threaten drybean production and jeopardize smallholder farmers’ food security. We estimated yield changes in drybeans due to changing climate in these countries using downscaled data f...
Eitzinger, Anton
Läderach, Peter
Rodríguez, Beatriz
Fisher, Myles J.
Beebe, Stephen E.
Sonder, Kai
Schmidt, Axel
[Assessing high-impact spots of climate change: spatial yield simulations with decision support system for agrotechnology transfer (DSSAT) model]
Assessing high-impact spots of climate change: spatial yield simulations with decision support system for agrotechnology transfer (DSSAT) model
El maíz y el fríjol son un componente vital de las dietas alimenticias de los humanos y la cultura en América Central. Más de un millón de familias de pequeños agricultores siembran estos cultivos para su subsistencia y producen el 70% del maíz y 100% del fríjol que se consume localmente. Sin emb...
Eitzinger, Anton
Schmidt, A
Sain, G
Sonder, Kai
Hicks, P
Nowak, Andreea
Fisher, M.
Beebe, Stephen E.
Läderach, Peter
Navarrete-Frías, C
Rodríguez, B.
[Tortillas en el comal: los sistemas de maíz y fríjol de América Central y el cambio climático]
Tortillas en el comal: los sistemas de maíz y fríjol de América Central y el cambio climático