This article discusses an analysis of the changing role of rattan in people's livelihoods in an area of Kalimantan, Indonesia where it has been cultivated in a traditional rice-swidden system for more than 100 year.
Belcher, B.
[Rattan cultivation and livelihoods: the changing scenario in Kalimantan]
Rattan cultivation and livelihoods: the changing scenario in Kalimantan
Belcher, B.
[The feasibility of rattan cultivation within shifting cultivation systems: the role of policy and market institutions]
The feasibility of rattan cultivation within shifting cultivation systems: the role of policy and market institutions
Rattan cultivated as part of the traditional swidden agricultural system has been a major source of internationally traded rattan raw material and, more recently, the basis of a strong domestic furniture and handicrafts industry. The rattan gardens of Kalimantan provide an example of an intermedi...
Pambudhi, F.
Belcher, B.
Levang, P.
Dewi, S.
[Rattan (Calamus spp.) gardens of Kalimantan: resilience and evolution in a managed non-timber forest product system]
Rattan (Calamus spp.) gardens of Kalimantan: resilience and evolution in a managed non-timber forest product system
Forest-based farmers are faced with rapidly changing economic opportunities due to many factors. In response, farmers are changing their main economic activities and land uses. This study compares the financial costs and benefits of the principal land use options in two sub-districts of East Kali...
Belcher, B.
Imang, N.
Achdiawan, R.
[Rattan, rubber, or oil palm: cultural and financial considerations for farmers in Kalimantan]
Rattan, rubber, or oil palm: cultural and financial considerations for farmers in Kalimantan