The management of a sudden high population of the cassava hornworm (Erinnyis ello) is discussed on the basis of data referring to those occurring in Santander de Quilichao in May 1980, in plantations at the exptl. station at the Centro lnternacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), and in a neighb...
Bellotti, Anthony C.
[Manejo de una explosion del gusano cachon Erinnyis ello (L) (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)]
Manejo de una explosion del gusano cachon Erinnyis ello (L) (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
Cassava mealybugs constitute one of the major production problems of cassava in Africa and the Americas. The species already identified that attack cassava in the Americas include Phenacoccus manihoti, P. herreni, P. gossypii, and P. grenadensis. Since its introduction into Africa, P. manihoti ha...
Bellotti, Anthony C.
Reyes, J.A.
Varela, Ana M.
Castillo, J.
[El piojo harinoso (Phenacoccus sp.) de la yuca; una de las plagas agricolas mas importantes en el mundo]
El piojo harinoso (Phenacoccus sp.) de la yuca; una de las plagas agricolas mas importantes en el mundo
Oviposition by the cassava hornworm,Erinnyis ello L., was quantified for upper (abaxial) and lower (adaxial) leaf surfaces of cassava in the department of Tolima, Colombia. Relative rates of egg parasitism byTelenomus sphingis Ashmead on the different leaf surfaces were determined and compared. A...
Gold, CS
Altieri, Miguel A.
Bellotti, Anthony C.
[Relative oviposition rates of the cassava hornworm, Erinnyis ello (Lep.: Sphingidae), and accompanying parasitism by Telenomus sphingis (Hym.: Scelionidae), on upper and lower leaf surfaces of cassava]
Relative oviposition rates of the cassava hornworm, Erinnyis ello (Lep.: Sphingidae), and accompanying parasitism by Telenomus sphingis (Hym.: Scelionidae), on upper and lower leaf surfaces of cassava
The parasitism, development, and thermal requirements of Trichogramma exiguum and Telenomus sphingis, common parasitoids of Erinnyis ello eggs, were studied. Life statistics were also determined for each specie and temp. (20, 25, and 30 degrees C for both species; for T. sphingis 32.5 degrees C w...
Urias López, Mario Alfonso
Bellotti, Anthony C.
[Parasitismo y desarrollo de Trichogramma exiguum Pinto & Platner y Telenomus sphingis (Ashm) sobre Erinnyis ello (L.)]
Parasitismo y desarrollo de Trichogramma exiguum Pinto & Platner y Telenomus sphingis (Ashm) sobre Erinnyis ello (L.)