The increasing problem of landlessness in Ethiopia has put pressure on regional governments to redistribute land. In 1997 and 1998, a major land redistribution exercise was undertaken in the Amhara region, reducing landlessness where implemented. While the impacts of such redistributions have bee...
Benin, S.E.
Pender, J.L.
[Impacts of land redistribution on land management and productivity in the Ethiopian highlands ]
Impacts of land redistribution on land management and productivity in the Ethiopian highlands
Since 1991, there have been significant changes in utilisation of feed resources in the Ethiopian highlands: while use of communal grazing lands and private pastures has declined, use of crop residues and purchased feed has increased. In addition, although use of animal health services, and adopt...
Benin, S.E.
Ehui, Simeon K.
Pender, J.L.
[Policies for livestock development in the Ethiopian highlands]
Policies for livestock development in the Ethiopian highlands
Ehui, Simeon K.
Ahmed, M.M.
Gebremedhin, Berhanu
Benin, S.E.
Nin-Pratt, A.
Lapar, Ma. Lucila
[10 years of livestock policy analysis. Policies for improving productivity, competitiveness and sustainable livelihoods of smallholder livestock producers]
10 years of livestock policy analysis. Policies for improving productivity, competitiveness and sustainable livelihoods of smallholder livestock producers
This brief considers the comparative advantage of strategies for West Africa based on the four agroecological zones - humid, subhumid, semiarid, and arid - found there. These zones are defined by the amount and distribution of rainfall, temperature, and length of the annual growing period.