Los parientes silvestres de cultivos incluyen tanto a los antepasados de los cultivos como a otras especies más o menos estrechamente vinculadas con ellos. Son una fuente vital de genes de resistencia contra enfermedades, plagas y factores de estrés como las sequías y las temperaturas extremas. E...
The publication aims at shedding light on the use, nutritional properties, market potential and contribution to local livelihoods of Andean grains (quinoa, cañahua and amaranth). It addresses some of the research gaps regarding knowledge of the use, as well as the market and non-market value of t...
Giuliani, A.
Hintermann, F.
Rojas, W.
Padulosi, S.
Bioversity International
Bern University of Applied Science
[Biodiversity of Andean grains: balancing market potential and sustainable livelihoods]
Biodiversity of Andean grains: balancing market potential and sustainable livelihoods
Bioversity International
[Report of a Network Coordinating Group on Oil and Protein Crops: First Meeting, 16-17 May 2006, Paris, France]
Report of a Network Coordinating Group on Oil and Protein Crops: First Meeting, 16-17 May 2006, Paris, France
In the last 20 years there has been a growing interest in on-farm conservation of crop diversity. Numerous projects to support on-farm conservation have been implemented worldwide. Projects are needed because maintaining crop diversity on-farm can entail important costs to farmers, who often face...
Bellon, M.
Gotor, E.
Caracciolo, F.
Bioversity International
[Methodologies for evaluating on-farm conservation projects]
Methodologies for evaluating on-farm conservation projects
The challenge of on-farm conservation projects is to identify, design and implement interventions that make the conservation of crop diversity compatible with improved livelihoods and well-being among the farmers who conserve it. The success of any on-farm conservation project depends on a good d...
Bellon, M.
Gotor, E.
Caracciolo, F.
Bioversity International
[Guidelines and best practices for on-farm conservation projects: designing and evaluating interventions]
Guidelines and best practices for on-farm conservation projects: designing and evaluating interventions
On-farm conservation projects, as well as most projects that use research to foster development, usually involve multiple partners who play different roles, bring diverse perspectives and influence the project in multiple ways. These partnerships should not be seen in isolation or as piecemeal, b...
The present list of descriptors for the standardized development of crop wild relative (CWR) checklists and inventories is based on results from a series of international projects that progressively worked to improve information management related to CWR conservation and use. The creation of chec...
Bioversity International
University of Birmingham
[Crop wild relative checklist and inventory descriptors v.1]
Crop wild relative checklist and inventory descriptors v.1
This publication is the result of the International Conference held in Frankfurt, Germany 14-16 June 2011 organized in the framework of an International UN Project funded by IFAD “Reinforcing the resilience of poor rural communities in the face of food insecurity, poverty and climate change throu...
Padulosi, S.
Bergamini, N.
Lawrence, T.
Bioversity International
[On-farm conservation of neglected and underutilized species: status, trends and novel approaches to cope with climate change: Proceedings of an International Conference, Frankfurt, 14-16 June, 2011]
On-farm conservation of neglected and underutilized species: status, trends and novel approaches to cope with climate change: Proceedings of an International Conference, Frankfurt, 14-16 June, 2011