El Plan de Acción Estrategico para Fortalecer la Conservacion y el Uso de los Recursos Fitogeneticos Mesoamericanos para la Adaptacion de la Agricultura al Cambio Climatico (PAEM) es un mapa de ruta a diez anos para fortalecer la conservacion, el acceso y el uso de los recursos fitogeneticos de M...
Galluzzi, Gea
Bioversity International
Zonneveld, M. van
Thomas, E.
Etten, Jacob van
Libreros, D.
Vay, L.
Solano, W.
Williams, D.
Maselli, S.
Alonso, Silvia
Remple, N.
Ramírez, M.
Pinzon, S.
Alcázar, C.
Quirós, W.
Beltran, M.
[Plan de acción estratégico para fortalecer la conservación y el uso de los recursos fitogenéticos mesoamericanos para la adaptación de la agricultura al cambio climático – PAEM 2014-2024]
Plan de acción estratégico para fortalecer la conservación y el uso de los recursos fitogenéticos mesoamericanos para la adaptación de la agricultura al cambio climático – PAEM 2014-2024
The chapter provides an overview of the status of ex situ conservation of quinoa genetic resources around the world. it does also introduces its agro-morphological variation through descriptor lists, evaluation and documentation activities. The analysis is complemented by a lessons learnt sharing...
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rojas, W.
Pinto, M.
Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement
Bioversity International
Alanoca, C.
Gómez Pando Pedro Leon-Lobos, L.G.
Alercia, A.
Diulgheroff, S.
Padulosi, S.
Bazile, D.
[Estado de la conservacion ex situ de los recursos geneticos de quinua]
Estado de la conservacion ex situ de los recursos geneticos de quinua
The leaflet provides a summary of the major results of the project: In Situ Conservation and Use of Crop Wild Relatives in three ACP countries of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region (2014 - 2016), which was implemented in Mauritius, South Africa and Zambia.
Bioversity International
University of Birmingham
University of Mauritius
Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Zambia Agriculture Research Institute
[In situ conservation and use of crop wild relatives in three ACP countries of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region]
In situ conservation and use of crop wild relatives in three ACP countries of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region
This list consists of an initial set of characterization and evaluation descriptors for coconut utilization. This strategic set of descriptors, together with passport data, will become the basis for the global accession level information system being developed by the Bioversity-led project, Globa...
Bioversity International
Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement
[Key access and utilization descriptors for coconut genetic resources]
Key access and utilization descriptors for coconut genetic resources
The present list of descriptors for the standardized development of crop wild relative (CWR) checklists and inventories is based on results from a series of international projects that progressively worked to improve information management related to CWR conservation and use. The creation of chec...
Bioversity International
University of Birmingham
[Crop wild relative checklist and inventory descriptors v.1]
Crop wild relative checklist and inventory descriptors v.1
This list consists of an initial set of characterization and evaluation descriptors for Lathyrus utilization. This key set of strategic descriptors, together with passport data, will become the basis for the global accession-level information system being developed by the Bioversity-led project, ...
Bioversity International
International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas
[Key access and utilization descriptors for Lathyrus spp. genetic resources]
Key access and utilization descriptors for Lathyrus spp. genetic resources
This is the second annual report to be published under the name of Bioversity International. It provides a detailed overview of Bioversity's activities in agricultural biodiversity research aimed at improving the lives of current and future generations.
The leaflet provides a summary of the major results achieved in Zambia within the project: In Situ Conservation and Use of Crop Wild Relatives in three ACP countries of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region (2014 - 2016), in particular about the priority CWR and the identificat...
Bioversity International
University of Birmingham
Zambia Agriculture Research Institute
[National strategic plan for the conservation and use of priority crop wild relatives in Zambia]
National strategic plan for the conservation and use of priority crop wild relatives in Zambia
The leaflet provides a summary of the major results achieved in South Africa within the project: In Situ Conservation and Use of Crop Wild Relatives in three ACP countries of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region (2014 - 2016), in particular about the priority CWR and the ident...
Bioversity International
University of Birmingham
Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
[National strategic plan for the conservation and use of priority crop wild relatives in South Africa]
National strategic plan for the conservation and use of priority crop wild relatives in South Africa
Tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius) is a legume crop that originated in the southwestern USA and central Mexico and is grown as far south as El Salvador. Today most tepary bean is produced by subsistence farmers for household consumption but wider use of this crop has potential to support climate...
Bioversity International
Universidad del Valle de Guatemala
[Frijol Tepari: cultivo nutritivo y resistente a la sequia para la adptacion climatica en Mesoamerica]
Frijol Tepari: cultivo nutritivo y resistente a la sequia para la adptacion climatica en Mesoamerica